Chapter 12: The Girl of Morning Dew

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Kirito, Yuuki, and Asuna were in the heart of the HQ of the Knights of the Blood Oath. The Swords of Night and Dusk were holding hands as they and Asuna were talking with the Commander, Heathcliff.

"I understand the situation." said the Commander.

"Also...I'm taking leave of absence." Asuna continued.

"Do you believe that is wise?"

"With recent events, I believe I've earned it."

"And we're also leaving the guild." said Kirito.

"And the outcome if I may refuse?" the Commander asked.

"We weren't asking." said Yuuki.

Asuna then looked at Kirito. She smiled at him. He and Yuuki smiled back. And with that, the trio left the room. Ignoring their fellow guildmates' outrages.  An going their separate ways.

October 24, 2024 Floor 22: Coral Village

Yuuki walked out onto the balcony of their new home. She could feel the breeze brush on her skin, she could see the sparkling lakes from the sun's light.

"Kirito..." she said, "'s so beautiful. You should come see."

Yuuki turned to see her in-game husband lay down on their bed. She walks over and sits on top of the bed, she then strokes his hair, wraps her arms around his shoulders for a hug, and begins to hum to herself.

Close your eyes, and dream a dream,

Let your hopes fill the sky, and see a light beam,

Rest your weary head, and rest your mind,

No matter, what lies ahead, I'll surround you with kindness,

Don't forget, I'm with you in the end.

Little did she know that Kirito was listening to the lullaby.

"Nice singing." he said, "I like it."

"Oh," said Yuuki, getting up, blushing a bit, "I didn't realize that you...weren't asleep."

"It's fine." said Kirito.

The Black Swordsman then leaned on Yuuki's shoulder, and took a deep breath.

"Something wrong?" asked Yuuki.

"Just the guild." replied Kirito, he stopped, he then looked into her red eyes.

"Worried they' know?"

"Oh, no, no...they're in capable hands. Just wonder how long before the Commander calls Asuna, and eventaully us, back to the front lines."

"We left the guild, didn't we?"

Kirito turned to his side in discomfort.

"She didn't call me back..." he thought, " shouldn't be a problem."

"Well, if the Commander wants you back," said Yuuki with a smile, she pulled out her sword from her menu, "he'll have to go through me."

A giggle escaped from Kirito's lips.

"Scary. So you'll protect me from ALL harm?"

"Always." his in-game wife replied.

Kirito then sat up straight, he cupped Yuuki's cheek, who put the sword away. He leaned towards her and kissed on the corner of Yuuki's mouth affectionately as she avoided his gaze with a blush on her face. Kirito then placed a finger on her chin, she turned to him.

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