Chapter 11: Crimson Killing Intent

Start from the beginning

"Apologies." he said, sheathing his weapon, "It appears I have underestimated you."

Yuuki was about to run after the Commander and challenge him in anger, but Kirito didn't want her to end up with him. The Commander then walked away, and so did Yuuki and Kirito.  Yuuki helped pick up the Black Swordsman's weapons and handed them over to him.

"You holding up okay?" she said as she helped him walk.

Kirito forced up a smile, despite the pain he was feeling.

"Y-yeah..." he said.

October 21st, 2024 Floor 50: Eastern Gate Road

Yuuki was in her house, waiting for Kirito to come out of his room with his new uniform. He finally let her in, most of everything looked the same, it's just that he'll have to ditch the "Black" in his title "The Black Swordsman" and the "Night" in their duo title "The Swords of Night and Dusk". Yuuki blushed at how cool he looked, for the only different thing was that he had white and red-trimmed outfit instead of a black and white-trimmed outfit. She then started to imagine things in her head. What if he joined the Knights of the Blood Oath in the first place? She thought.

"Well," Kirito asked, "how do I look?"

"You look awesome," said Yuuki, "that's if you want me to be honest. The men in their guild usually wear armor, but Asuna had them scratch that off when it comes to you."

Kirito looked a little embarrassed.

October 23rd, 2024 Floor 55: Grandzam

The three arrived at the HQ together. Kirito was made Asuna's new personal escort, but unfortunately, the Commander needed a word with Asuna and a man named Godfree said that Kirito was to be taken to a training exercise an since Yuuki was not part of the guild, she cannot accompany him.

"He's already at the top of his game, Godfree." said Asuna, "Everyone knows how strong he is."

"But, he also needs to learn how to be part of a team, Asuna." said Godfree, "Rules, are rules."

"It's okay, Asuna." said Kirito, with a smile, "I'll be fine."

"Okay, see ya."

Right after she left, a familiar face came. Kirito was shocked to see that it was Kuradeel.

"I won't be fine." he said under his breath.

"We are here to bury the hatchet." said Godfree.

"Bury the hatchet where, in my head?"

"No, in the ground."

"Yeah, after in my head."

"I...I'm..." said Kuradeel, "...I'm sorry...for the way...I...acted...the other day."

"It's...fine...I guess."

Kirito didn't believe a word he just said.  He just said sorry.  Not for dueling him, and nearly breaking Yuuki's arm.

"Brilliant!" said Godfree, "Now, hand over your teleporting crystals."

"Wait, what?" said the two swordsmen.

"This is a trust test, I need you two, to trust me."

The two did as asked and the trio left for the training today.

Meanwhile, With Asuna...

The Commander and Asuna were on the balcony of the building.

"I simply want you to keep up on appearances." said Heathcliff.

"What do you mean?" asked Asuna.

"You have had a lot of tardies recently because you use them to make more time for your...personal time."

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