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  "The battle of Willow Creek

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"The battle of Willow Creek.Took place right at the end of The War in our very own Mystic Falls.How many casualties resulted in this battle? Ms.Bennett?"asks Mr.Tanner the next morning as Scarlett , who is very tired from the previous day , has her elbow firmly placed on the small wooden desk.

Her chin gripped in her palm as her brunette hair cascade down her eyes lids closed as she sleeps lightly not noticing a certain dark brunette on the row beside her watching with her as a smile adorned his face.

     "Um"Bonnie says nervously as she grips her pencil furrowing her brows together as she thinks"A lot?Im not sure.Like a whole lot."Says the young Bennett somewhat in a proud and confident manner realistically not knowing the real answer as Matt chuckles from the back.

    "Cute becomes dumb in an instant Ms.Bennett."States The Male teacher as he looks at Bonnie in a judgmental way before he notices the sleeping Gilbert in the back.

   "Ms.Gilbert!"Mr.Tanner states rather loudly as Scarlett's hand slips out from underneath her chin as she jumps awake hence making her head hit the hard desk as she groans lifting it up as The Teacher continues

     "I would appreciate it if you did not drool in my classroom."Says the teacher as Scarlett wipes her mouth nervously, embarrassed as she isn't one to sleep during class.

           "I'm so sorry Mr.Tanner I-"Scarlett starts     apologizing as she is genuinely sorry that she    carelessly fell asleep as Mr.Tanner ignoring her turns to Matt."Mr.Donovan,would you like to take this  opportunity  to overcome the embedded jock stereotype ?"Finishes the teacher as Scarlett frowns whilst rubbing her head in pain.

    Nicolas,Nick , notices this and looks over at her in concern but she just waves it off smiling at him as he smiles back before turning  back around to glare at the teacher as Scarlett chuckles lowly at him with Nick proud that he made her happy smiles.

     "It's ok , Mr.Tanner , I'm cool with it."Says Matt in a careless manner as many of his peers laugh at his reply.

        "How about you Ms.Gilbert , now that you've done snoozing? Do you know the answer?"asks the teacher who once again addresses the young girl as she frowns."I apologize sir,but I have no idea."she states as his eyes harden at her"I figured as much Ms.Gilbert."He says finally to her as her frown deepens and Nicolas is staring holes into the mans head.

    Mr.Tanner then turns to her sister as Scarlett looks at Elena along with many other students.

     "Hmm.Elena? Surely you can enlighten us about about one of the towns most significantly historically event s ?"Asks the teacher as he turns his question to the brunette Gilbert in the middle of the large classroom as Elena looks caught off guard.

          "I'm sorry I don't know."says elena lightly shaking her head to indicate she genuinely didnt know the answer to the question."I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons Elena,but the personal excuses ended this summer break.That goes for you Scarlett."States the teacher as he looks from either Gilbert with disappointment on his face as Elena's face falls.

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