2: Richard Armitage

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"What if they don't like me?" Richard asked

Looking at him while I slipped on my shoes "Either way, you're stuck with me."

He chuckled pulling me to him "Wouldn't have it any other way."

Richard leaned down and connected our lips in a sweet kiss that ended too soon. He went back to getting ready, all he had left to do was put on his shoes and jacket while I had to find my jacket.

"Where did I put my jacket?" I asked digging through my bag

He chuckled "I think you left it in the car."

I frowned "Guess I'll just put it on when we get there."

"Are you ready?" He asked

I nodded grabbing my bag "As I'll ever be."

Taking my hand, we walked out of our hotel room and out to the car. Richard and I were showing up to a family get together, which is a big thing for me as I tend to try and miss these events.

"Arwen!" Richard called and I looked at him


He chuckled "I asked if you think your dad will murder me for not asking his permission to marry you."

"I think you'll be fine." I smiled "You'll intimidate him with your height and if you give that blank look."

He laughed and continued to drive to the park. As soon as we pulled up, I became nervous. How would my family react to meeting Richard for the first time and at the same time learning that we're engaged.

We both climbed out of the car and walked up to my family. Richard kept a hold of my hand the entire time.

"So this is the infamous Richard Armitage who stole my daughters heart." My mom said stepping in front of us

I smiled "Yes mom this is my fiance Richard. The one who stole my heart."

Richard stuck out his hand "Nice to meet you!" He smiled

She smiled and shook his hand "Nice to finally meet you."

"Wait did you say fiance!" My brother exclaimed "Oh you're in so much trouble Arwen!" He smirked

"You're marrying my daughter?" My dads voice boomed

Richard nodded "Yes sir, I am."

Everyone looked between my dad and Richard waiting to see what would happen. They were all betting that dad would be rude to Richard and send him running.

Dad's glare left his face and he smiled sticking out his hand "Take care of my little girl."

Richard smiled and shook my dad's hand "I plan on it sir."

"What! That's not fair!" My brother yelled "She's supposed to get in trouble!"

"Shut up boy!" Dad glared at him "Congratulate your sister and Richard on their engagement!"

"Congratulations." My brother grumbled and walked off

Richard and I walked to the park and played with the little kids while some family members made comments about how we'd make beautiful babies and be great parents. All of which made me blush and Richard smirk.

While we ate, we were interrogated by the family. Any question you could think of to ask, they asked. A lot of embarrassing questions as well. By the end of the night, my family knew everything they could get out of Richard and I. For once my brother was getting in trouble instead of me! Best part of the entire day!

"I think that went well." Richard said as he was driving back to the hotel

"And you thought they wouldn't love you!" I teased "I think they love you more than me!"

He chuckled "Not as much as I love you." He looked at me with those blue eyes of his

I blushed "I love you Richard Crispin Armitage!"

He smiled and kissed my hand.

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