Peter was ready to disagree but Mrs. Macready's angry voice was heard in the background. All of the children shared a terrified glance as footsteps were heard loudly.

" The Macready!" Susan hissed.

" Run!" The blonde ordered. Peter took Rory's hand who still looked shook and quickly ran out of the room followed by his siblings. They ran through the house, looking for a place to hide.

"Come on!" He insisted.

The children continued running frantically. Every door they tried to open seemed locked and the footsteps became louder and appeared to be everywhere.

"Oh we are going to die in a painful way," Rory muttered pessimistically as they tried another door. Mrs. Macready was going to get her fired and in turn use it as an excuse to fire her aunts too.

"Think positive," Peter said breathlessly as they continued running.

"We are going to die in a quick but painful way," She corrected herself.

"No, no, back, back, back." Edmund took the lead as he once again tried to open a locked door. Edmund realized in his panic that maybe he could lead his siblings to the Queen. He felt sorry he dragged Rory into this but it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. . Edmund led them into the spare room, conveniently being the only unlocked door. He ran up to the wardrobe and opened the door for his siblings.

" Come on!" He exclaimed.

The remaining Pevensies were uncomfortable. Susan being brave enough to mention it

"Oh, you've got to be joking." She rolled her eyes annoyed.

But as they heard the footsteps closer and closer, the children ran into the wardrobe, the eldest never letting go of the Browning girl's hand. Peter peaked out through the crack in the door, vigilant on the Macready's entrance. Since he saw no one, he and Rory moved further into the wardrobe.

"Get back!" Susan fumed.

"My toe!" Lucy exclaimed in pain.

"I'm not on your toe! Move back," Edmund sapped.

" Will you stop shoving?" Peter asked, annoyed.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to ," Rory answered apologetically.

"No it's fine, I thought you were Edmund," Peter replied sheepishly.

The wardrobe seemed endless and as they dived deeper it started to get colder. Finally they seemed to have reached the end but instead Susan, Peter and Rory fell backwards into the snow. Peter was still holding Rory's hand and when he noticed he blushed beet red and let her go. Peter stood up first and helped his sister and Rory stand up.

They took a look around: It was a marvelous white vision. Snowflakes fell softly covering the already white territory; everything seemed to glisten. All of the trees; from pines to oak, to rosewoods, were covered in snow. Rory turned to the youngest Pevensie who was grinning.

"This place is even more beautiful than what you described," Rory marveled as she took a look around.

"Impossible," Susan gasped.

" Don't worry. I'm sure it's just your imagination."

"That's a good one," Rory said high fiving the youngest girl who giggled in return.

Peter shifted awkwardly on his feet. He had been so cruel with his sister, when all she had wanted was to share this magical land with him. Rory and the Professor had believed her. Why couldn't he?

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