The World's Biggest Ball Of Twine

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You knew that Vanya was going out in the morning, she told you before you went back to your bed last night, but around noon you should meet her downstairs by the bar. You agreed, this morning you took a nice warm shower before throwing on an an outfit. It was one of the view outfits you bought for yourself during your freedom escapades.

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(outfit pictures are only references in this story)

You wrapped the cardigan closer to you before going down to the elevator, the hotel didn't have the classic clean or chlorine smell that a lot of other hotels had. You had the experience with a hotel on one of your top secret adventures. You wandered down into the bar area, deciding to keep quiet, they weren't going to notice you. You grabbed a plate and started to spoon off some food onto it, but before you could go sit you heard your name.

"Y/n, over here." Vanya said, you shot your head at them before smiling. The rest of the group that she was standing with looked over to you, your eyes caught Five's once again. You felt your heart start to race, his green eyes felt like they could cut straight through you, as you walked over. You kept looking at him, his adire could be compared to an old man's, you smiled softly to yourself before picking up a piece of chicken and popping it in your mouth.

"Vanya!" You smiled.

"I like your outfit." She smiled.

"I like your hair." You commented.

"It's uh, it's Viktor now actually."

"Who's Victor?" The mean one, that was told to you by Viktor that his name was Diego. Everyone looked at Viktor with a questioning but understanding look, their eyes were calm.

"I am. It's who I've always been." he said, looking around at the group as they were clearly processing. "Uh, is that an issue for anyone?"

"Nah I'm good with it." Diego replied, Klaus chuckled looking fondly at Viktor.

"Yeah, me too. Cool." Klaus replied, smiling at him before popping a piece of food into his mouth.

"Can I hug you?" You asked, Viktor looked over at you questioningly. "This is great news!"

"Yeah sure." Viktor laughed, you hugged him patting him on the back and squeezing him with one arm while your other held your plate. You smiled fondly at your friend before moving back to continue to eat, but you looked up when feeling a pair of eyes on you. Your eyes connected with Five's once again.

"Truly happy for you, Viktor." Five smiled at him before continuing, "But last time I checked, you don't speak for this family. And she-." Five said, pointing to you. "Is the enemy."

"Okay, well, it's fine, okay? Marcus totally gets it and Y/n is harmless, she is the one that helped me with Marcus." Viktor explained, climbing on to sit on a stool.

"Helped you?" Diego asked.

"I know Marcus, and he was the one to communicate with."

"Do they know you're here?" Five questions.

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