Funny Business

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3rd person POV:

The boys were both fast asleep. Todoroki was snoring softly and Bakugou was cuddling into Todo's chest. They have both been asleep for about 2 hours, and the teacher had their bi-weekly meeting. They discussed the 2 boys situation and decided that Todoroki was to attend class and return with the work for Bakugou and Bakugou was to cook and clean, to keep the boys responsibilities even. The teachers also said they would put cameras in the new dorms to monitor the boys and make sure they are doing what the need. As far as the shots Bakugou has to have for the nutrients serum, recovery girl was able to have Bakugou get the serum with his liquid medicine.

It was right after lunch ended when aizawa and recovery girl left the meeting and went to the infirmary. They looked over and saw the to boys sleeping peacefully. Aizawa went over and woke up Todoroki first as he was able to explain to Bakugou. Todoroki opened his eyes and squinted at the brightness. He let his eyes adjust and looked over at aizawa, who was sitting in a chair next to the bed. He went to sit up but he stoped when he felt and hand on his waist. He looked down and saw Bakugou. His face flushed a bright red and he look up at aizawa who was chucking softly. Bakugou woke up and looked up at Todoroki. Still have asleep he didn't register that there were other people. "What happened?" His voice was husky and rasp and it didn't feel good to speak either. Todoroki looked down at him and said "nothing just go back to sleep" "whatever" was the only thing He got in response before the blonde laid back down and cuddled back into his chest. Todoroki blushed harder and looked back to his teacher.

He cleared his throat and asked, "so what do you need?" He spoke softly as to not wake the other. Aizawa thought he would make this fast as to not upset or wake the sleeping boy. "I'll make this quick, there have been a few changes to Bakugou's recovory plan. You will be attending class as usual and you can visit him during lunch. You will bring him the work and in return he'll take care of dinner and housework. As far as the shots Bakugou has to have, the syrup has been added to his liquid medication. He'll be able to give it to himself but it's recommended you give it to him. That's all for now I'll give you both more information tomorrow." Todoroki nodded and aizawa got up to leave. At the door he turned around and spoke, "just becuse you boys have the dorms to yourselves doesn't mean you can do anything stupid." He then turned around and he was hit in the back of the bed with a pillow. Bakugou was propped up and his elbow with a scowl on his face and a light pink dusting his cheek and Todoroki was blushing a brighter red than his hair. Aizawa turn around and chuckled saying do that again and you get expelled.

Bakugou turn to look at Todoroki and blushed and then sat up and stretched and left for the restroom and Todoroki was just stunned. He didn't know what just happens or why. He got up and stretched and grabbed a cup of water. Recovory girl dismissed Todoroki to go get food and told Bakugou that he can't eat solid food. "That's bullshit" he tried to yell but his voice was barely audible and it hurt to scream. He just dropped his eyes and sat on the bed and waited for him to be released.

Todoroki's POV:

I wonder if Katsuki can eat real food after he gets of the serum stuff. I don't think he's going to like having to cook and clean for me. It's fine we can work it out, maybe. Oh shit, it's 1-A's lunch. Fuck.

"Uh hey.. Todoroki-kun."


"Hello midorya"

"I wanted to ask if you were alright. You kind of lashed out last night and you weren't in class today."

"I am fine I was just in a hurry."

"Hurry for what? If you don't mind me asking?"

"It's confidential."

~𝓈𝒸𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓁 𝒹𝒶𝓎𝓈~ *todobaku*Where stories live. Discover now