Chapter 15: People Will Always Judge Kids Like Us

Start from the beginning

He shoved aside the tapestry on which a mermaid was depicted but froze when he saw the scene behind it.

Crabbe and Goyle were standing on the staircase, entangled in each other's arms and kissing fervently.

Theodore let out a small cough.

The two boys immediately jumped away from each other as if someone had thrown acid on them.

"Theodore, didn't see you there," Goyle said with one hand in his hair.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt," Theodore apologized.

Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other, then looked back at Theodore.

"Look, Nott," Goyle started. "Could you maybe not tell anyone about this?"

"Sure," Theodore shrugged. "But if you don't want anyone to know about it, then maybe you two should find a lesser known make-out spot."

He turned around and left, frustrated that he had to find another place where he could sit in silence to gather his thoughts.


Susan Bones already sat at her desk in Defense Against the Dark Arts, but when someone sat down beside her it wasn't Zacharias Smith as usual. Instead she was looking at Hermione Granger's frizzy brown hair. They hadn't really talked since Hermione had told her about Theodore's father, besides from the occasional greetings in hallways.

"Hey Susan," Hermione started. "How are you?" Then awkwardly she added: "I heard your letter in the Great Hall."

"I'm okay," Susan said curtly. She wasn't in the mood for anyone else to judge her relationship with Theodore.

Hermione bit her lower lip. "For what it's worth, I don't think your relationship with Nott is a bad thing."

Susan raised her eyebrows in surprise. "You don't?"

Hermione shook her head. "You always look so happy when you're with him. I've never seen you like this, certainly not when you were with Seamus."

At the mention of the Gryffindor's name Susan made a barfing sound and scrunched up her nose. "That cheater can go to hell."

Hermione's eyes widened. "What? Seamus cheated on you?"

Susan nodded. "With Lavender Brown of all people."

Now Hermione was the one to be disgusted. "I hate that girl. She's constantly all over Ronald. It's like I've lost my friend to a mouth-sucking demon."

Susan wanted to ask more about Ron. She had noticed the way Hermione looked at him and Lavender and she was sure that there was more going on than just Hermione missing her friend, but then professor Snape entered the room and she didn't dare to speak another word.


Theodore Nott entered his dorm room like a hurricane. He grunted in frustration when he saw Blaise Zabini laying on his bed. Why couldn't he just be alone in this goddamn castle for one second? Was that really too much to ask?

As he flopped down on his bed Blaise looked up at him. Please don't talk to me, Theodore thought desperately.

"Everything okay with the Hufflepuff girl?"

Theodore grabbed his pillow and threw it at the boy's face. Blaise dodged it just in time.

"Her name's Susan!" he snapped. 

"Jesus! Sorry for asking!" Blaise replied while throwing the pillow back. Theodore caught it with one hand.

"If you want to show interest in how my relationship is going, you can at least try to remember my girlfriend's name."

Blaise held up his hands defensively. "Okay, how are things with Susan? You know, after that Howler today."

"Everything would be great if people could just stop judging us!" Theodore shouted angrily.

Blaise stood up and went over to Theodore's bed. He sat down beside him.

"People will always judge kids like us," he said. "It doesn't really matter who we're dating or if we're even dating at all. That's just the way the world works. They look at you and see the kid of a Death Eater. They look at me and see the kid whose mother has married and divorced seven rich men and is now bathing in their money and probably also in their blood. We always have to prove ourselves and it is fucking exhausting."

Theodore just stared at Blaise while hugging his pillow. "That's probably the deepest shit you have ever said."

"Oh, I can go very deep if you know what I mean," Blaise winked.

Theodore slapped Blaise in the face with his pillow. "You're a slut, Zabini."

"See," Blaise laughed. "Someone is judging me again. It never ends."


At dinner Susan Bones received another letter, this one delivered by Helga, the family owl. It was a normal envelope and the handwriting was her father's. Susan got up and left the Great Hall. She wanted to be alone to read this one.

In an empty corridor she opened the envelope and unfolded the letter. Her eyes flew over the page.

Dear Susan,

Please forgive me. I couldn't stop your mother from sending the Howler. She was furious and to be honest, I was shocked as well when we received your letter. But you are my daughter and I know how I raised you. I trust you. If you think this boy deserves a chance, then I believe you.

Don't worry about Christmas break. I'm sure your mother didn't mean it when she said you weren't welcome. Give her some time and she will turn around. I will talk to her about the boy. If she changes her mind about him, I'll let you know.

Love you so much and can't wait to see you,


Susan let out a sigh in relief and held the letter to her chest. Maybe everything would turn out fine. Her father had always been the more reasonable one of her two parents and she knew how much weight her mother put on his opinion of people. She was sure he could convince her. She thought of spending Christmas with Theodore and butterflies fluttered in her stomach. Then she blushed, when she realised there wasn't a guest room at her parents' house. Would they let Theodore sleep in her room? She sure as hell hoped so.

Nott Your Boyfriend | A Slytherin/Hufflepuff RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now