Chapter 6-Analeigh

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I realized I made a crucial error leaving my phone unintended for a few minutes when I received my first text message from Chris. When the text first appeared, I was confused as to how his contact information was already in my phone when we never exchanged numbers. It wasn't until the second message he sent said:

You should put a lock on your phone

That is when I learned while I was in the bathroom at the coffee shop a week back that I had left my phone on the table and Chris decided to help himself. Now I'm privy to nearly daily messages containing anything from random thoughts to memes he's found.

I ignored them at first. I should have known that wouldn't have stopped him. Finally, I gave in and we text back and forth throughout the day when we have time.

I'm officially all moved into my house. My sister and brother-in-law drove in to help me move. It was clear from the second Mia stepped foot inside that she was not impressed. The house I bought is the definition of a fixer-upper. What made it look worse was the previous owners started the renovation.

The carpet was pulled up on the main floor, exposing the hardwood floors that were in desperate need of being refinished. Two walls needed drywall done to fix the giant holes. Don't get me started on the downstairs bathroom. Not only was it all pink aside from the tub and toilet, but it was also glittery.

The upstairs is fairing better, mainly just cosmetic touches. I have a lot of work ahead of me. I'm itching to get started because I have so many ideas I can't wait to implement.

Because of all this, my sister thought I was absolutely insane to purchase a house that needed this much work done. I had to listen to her rant the entire time until her husband, Jared told her to shut up and let me live my life.

He is a great brother-in-law.

Aside from the obvious, the house is in great shape. Foundation is sturdy, new plumbing and electricity were updated a few years prior and I made sure to have it inspected.

I was happy that my sister left by the time the weekend was over. When they were gone, I took a week off from work to tackle some of the projects. After countless hours of watching YouTube videos, I felt ready to tackle the drywall.

I had it delivered and jumped in taking all day to hang it and put the few layers of drywall compound on. The next day I was able to sand and the walls were ready to paint.

My phone started dinging when I returned from the hardware store with my gallons of paint. Huffing out a sigh, I search for my phone that once again landed in the bottomless pit I call a purse.

Guess where I'm at?

The text was from Chris and attached was a picture of the coffee shop I have now found him twice at. Geez does the guy ever actually work at the place he was hired at?

Do you ever work?

It's a valid question as I look at the time and see it's only 3 pm.

Got done early. All meetings today. I'm bored.

I roll my eyes. I can't come and entertain you. I'm not in the city right now.

Where are you?

For the life of me, I don't know why I text Chris my address. Maybe I wanted some company. Maybe I wanted to see if Chris was actually in the state of Indiana. I got my answer forty minutes later when Chris pulled into my drive.

I stepped outside, shutting the door behind me that way Tinkerbell doesn't run out. It wasn't as cold as it has been, I just wouldn't hang outside very long though. I hug my arms to my body as Chris got out of his car, a big grin on his face.

"You do live here. I wasn't sure if I was being sent to some random address."

"Nope. Not this time."

Chris came up the walkway, beeping his car lock. "This your place," he asked as he climbed up the three steps to the porch.

"Just moved in a week ago."

"Congrats." I take a step back to turn to let Chris in and I remember Tink. I don't know how she will act around him.

"Um, you better wait out here," I told Chris halting my steps. He looked confused then joked, "I get it. Got to get rid of the boyfriend." His joke fell flat.

"No," I frowned. "I have a dog. She has only been around a few people since we moved in. I want to get her harness on her first."

"Ah, okay." Chris did as he was told, staying on the porch, gaze looking around the neighborhood.

"Come here Tink, there's a friend that wants to meet you," I cooed to my pitbull who was more than happy to get attention from me.

"Sit," I snap my fingers and my dog listened, sitting down. I get her hooked up and walked her over to the door, opening it.

Tinkerbell let out a bark the second she saw Chris, tail wagging so fast I was afraid she will take off like a helicopter.

Chris dropped down to a squat to get at Tinkerbell's level. "Who's this beauty," he held out his hand carefully letting Tink get his scent. I knew it didn't matter because she already liked him.


"This is Tinkerbell," I say deciding to take the harness off since she wasn't attacking or trying to jump on Chris.

Chris laughed at her name. "Tinkerbell?"

I shrugged. "I didn't name her."

Tink was in heaven receiving pets and belly rubs. "All right, Tink let Chris in so I can shut the door. My dog scooted out of the way enough to allow Chris to come in and shut the door behind him. His eyes scanned the foyer and the living room.

"Uh, nice place."

I couldn't hold back my smile as he was trying not to offend me. "I'm fully aware it's ugly right now. I just got drywall up yesterday."

He nodded, looking a little impressed. "Well, I have no doubt you'll make this place look great."

"Thanks. You might as well take your coat and stay awhile since you're already here."

A smile flashed on his face. "Don't mind if I do. You might as well get used to me I'll be back again next week."

I frowned deeply. Isn't that great?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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