Chapter 1

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(your prov)

You could hear voices near by as you opened your eyes, as you cringed slightly in pain while you glanced at where the voices were coming from as you see a female with an orange hoodie with fox tail and ears with red shorts, white shirt as she was talking to a man with a red and white hat and green in the white, blue and white jacket with a black shirt and a green bookback. Next their is a Zombie looking man with brown hair as he was wearing a black jacket, white shirt, red tie, and black pants, as next to him was a man with red shades black hair and wearing something similar but without the tie as they glanced at you as you held your head "oh you are awake", said the man with red shades as you were silent as you did not know what to say. "I am Sonja the person next to me is Tucker and the other two are Tom and Jordan, and you are?", said the lady with the orange hoodie as he pointed who is who "I am (Y/N) it is nice to meet you all", you said to all of them as they nodded "Mianite and Dianite said you will be assisting us against this spouse darkness that is coming", said Tucker "yep I am going to do my best to help", you said to them as you stood up and run you hand in you (H/L) (H/C) as Sonja walked up to you as she smiled lightly "it is nice to meet you", she said, as the others nodded in agreement  

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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