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You opened your eyes as you could not see anything it was pitch black like you were in a abyss of darkness, but you could not help but hear voices in diffrent directions as it said "You must follow one of us and assist the other heros against the darkness that will try to consume our realm", when you heard it you were confused what the darkness is as you ended up having a blinding light intrupt your thoughts as you fell unconscious.

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I was with my friends which names were Sonja, Tom, and Jordan we also have Dec the priest of Mianite and his b*tch Champwan as they followed Lord Mianite like I do, also my name is Tucker and Sonja is my girlfriend. Tom is a follower of Dianite along with Tony, Josh, Adam (until he vanished), and Nade. Dianite looks like the devil, while Mianite is like god. Then their is Jordan he is the follower of Ianite the goddess of balance so far he is the only one following her as far as we know. I was chatting with them as Tom managed to somewhat calm down with the total war thing he was doing as it seems so normal in till we all see a bright light coming from the same area that we have woken up from before as we all exchanged glances as we went to investigate who has shown up as both Dianite and Mianite appeared in front of us "This newcomer will assist you all together against something", said Mianite as he glanced at his brother "Tom I know that you had received messages from the messenger for death Cronus, and you have passed the test, but this test was not fake even though Nade failed but sadly it is real and it is time to come up a plan to make sure that Death dose not messed with this realm", said Dianite as Mianite nodded "good luck you all", said the two brothers as they vanished. Everything was silent as nobody did not know what to say at the moment as we just went ahead and greet the newcomer. As I see the newcomer we see that they were still unconcious as I glanced at Jordan "hey Jordan can we use your house to have the newcomer rest until they wake up", I said to him as he nodded "sure I don't mind", said Jordan as him and Tom went to carry the newcomer to Jordan's place.

The Realm of Mianite S1Where stories live. Discover now