Farewell Damon

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Everyone sat on the couch like the first time we were on this jet but this time I felt...weird. I wasn't pregnant though, don't worry. I JUST HAD A VERY BAD FEELING. I again brushed it off...

"Hey damon!" I greeted damon with a hug but backed away quickly before he would kiss my cheek again or something. 

"Heya luv!" Damon's warm smile formed on his face

"Soo, after you leave us at plastic beach will I ever see you again?" I said a bit worried

"Well, I dunno...depends if you travel back or travel somewhere else you can always call me!" Damon handed me a small piece of paper with his number, I put it in my pocket 

"Got it!" I said hugging him again

"I gotta get back to work! See you in a bit luv." Damon hugged back and went into his pilot office. I walked back to the couch were everyone was, they were all asleep. That feeling was still in my gut, I really just felt like something was going to happen. I almost wanted to cry but there was no reason to be crying. I looked at Murdoc...he was so peacefully asleep, I just looked at him with worry in my eyes I was scared but what could I be scared of? 

My eyes then traveled to my beautiful boy, a strand of his hair was on his face as he slept. The feeling of melancholy hit me harder again. My breathing increased and my hands started to shake a bit. 

"Y/n, stop. Calm down. Why the fuck are you feeling like this?!" I whispered to myself as I went to the loo. I locked the door and sat on the floor with my back against the door frame. I was breathing heavily and my hands were starting to shake. I took deep breaths and calmed down a bit

"Nothing is going to happen, CALM DOWN Y/n! This is so stupid, why are you freaking out about NOTHING?!" I got up and splashed some water on my face. I got a towel and dried my face feeling a bit better. I walked out the loo and gently sat next to Stuart, I placed my hand on his cheek and I moved a strand of his beautiful hair away from his face, Stuarts eyes fluttered open

"ello luv, are yew okay?" Stuart said in a gentle tone as he got up from his position placing his hands on my waist

"Y-yea.." I lied looking down trying to avoid eye contact, Stuart placed 2 fingers under my chin and lifted my face up to his

"Y/n, luv there is something wrong. Talk ta' me, yew don't have ta' hide anyfing." Stuart held me tighter, his touch made me feel so safe, just the thought of loosing him made me want to cry

"I-i-i dunno Stuart, I-im scared and I don't know why...I f-feel so scared" My voice was shaking, Stuart held my hands and kissed them

"My luv, there is nofing to be scared of!" Stuart hugged me, his chin rested on my head. He picked me up from our spot and took me to the big window in the jet. 

The sunrise was so beautiful, it is always beautiful but today it felt so precious. The warm colors bursting everywhere, the big fluffy clouds adding the magic in the scenery. I looked back at Stuart to see him looking at me with a smile on his face, his cheeks were red

2-D's POV:

I sat next to the window where the beautiful sunrise was. Although it was beautiful than ever I couldn't help but to look at Y/n instead. I'd look at her even if there was a beautiful sunrise or sunset right in front of me, I'd look at her even if there were a million fireworks in the sky, I'd look at her even if the whole galaxy was in front of me. Y/n is the most beautiful girl in my eyes, even her soul is beautiful. She is beautiful.

oops...she caught me staring

Y/N's POV:

"w-what?" I giggled at Stuart 

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