summer break.

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summer break! yay...getting to spend the hot summer days in Hawkins, Indiana, with my little cousin Dustin, the party, and Steve. it wont be THAT bad right?
i get snapped outta my thoughts by an annoyed mother. "get your shit outta my car, I'll pick you up after the summer! have funnnnnn." my mom says before driving off. yes i do have my shit, dont worry. knowing whats happened this past couple of years, i don't know if i wanna stay here....just then, my aunt Claudia came running out the door with open arms, "y/n!! sweetie! I've missed you!" she brings me in a tight hug, "did you're mom already leave? hm shame. come in! come in!" i give her a thankful smile. i walk in and Dustin's not there, probably at his camp. i head into my room, and put my stuff down. i take a deep breath, well its how its always been. "hey aunt Claudia! im gonna look around the town some!" i yell at her from my room. "oh ok sweetie! theres a new mall! it just opened!" she yells back. i walk out my room, and give her a quick hug before walking out of the door.
after a very long walk in the dark, i finally made it to 'starcourt mall' and it's busy...obviously. but whenever i get to the entrance, i see the party. "hey nerds!" i say walking up to them. they all turn to me and burst out in different conversations. "y/n?!? why are you here?" "y/n!!" "are you here for summer break?" "ok! ok! calm yourselves! in here for summer break. unfortunately." i say, they all tackle me in a hug. except for Mike, because hes a loser. i look over at Mike, and give him puppy eyes. he scoffs but comes and gives me a hug, whenever everyone else walk away. "i missed you." i say to Mike, "i missed you too." he chuckles lightly. i ruffle up his hair, Mike's my best friend, i was there for him whenever they found 'Will's' body in the quarry, whenever they we're getting bullied, whenever Eleven disappeared, for EVERYTHING, whenever i left last year, it was horrible for Mike. but now im back for summer break, "come on Mike, we gotta go!" Max yells at him.

i follow them in the mall, "sorry!" "excuse me!" "hey! watch it!" "yeah! watch it nerd!" i hear a very familiar voice say to us, i look up and see Erica, Lucas' little sister, "isn't past your bedtime?" lucas yells back, "isnt time you died?" Erica sass' back, "psycho!" "butthead!" "mall rat!" "fart face!" Lucas blows a raspberry, i laugh a little, "now that was real mature." Max says while dragging Lucas into a store named Scoops Ahoy. i like it in here, its small sure, but it has white walls with blue line, the stalls where shaped as boats and the worker at the counter was in a sailor outfit. she was REALLY pretty. she made me stop in my tracks. Mike walks over the her and rings the bell, multiple gets annoying. "hey dingus! you're children are here!" she yells to what im guessing a person behind the sliding window, "seriously guys? again? im at work!" Steve says sliding the window open, also wearing a sailor uniform, which made me laugh, and Mike rings the bell again.

i go sit in a stall and just admire the store, all the details, its adorable. Steve lets the kids in, through what im guessing a back door, to somewhere. the girl at the counter whispers something to Steve whenever he gets back behind the counter. he nods his head and starts scooping ice cream, and then walks over to me, "ahoy! my name is Steve, and I'll be your captain today! here is some ice cream, on the house." Steve says obviously trying to flirt with me. i look back the girl and shes laughing.

"umm, yeah Steve no thanks im good. but thank you." i say politely, he finally looks at me, "oh my god. y/n!! why are you here??" Steve asks with the biggest smile on his face, "well im here for summer break! although im probably gonna be moving in with Dustin." i say while i stand up. i hug Steve, very tightly. "I've missed you guys so much, its crazy." i say quietly. Steve hugs back, "yeah, we've missed you too."

we kinda just stay there for a little bit, then we let go, by that time costumers have came in, "also this a whole new change for you King Steve." i say gesturing to the outfit hes wearing, "yeah yeah, shut up n/n" Steve turns to the girl at the counter, "oh, i gotta go back to work." Steve says while walking back, but then the lights go off.

Steve walks over to the light switch and keeps flipping it on and off, i roll my eyes, "thats not gonna work dingus." he keeps flipping it on and off, the lights finally come back on, "let there be light." Steve says while looking at me, i scoff but let out a little chuckle of disbelief.

what an idiot. the people walk out, and so do i, "hey! where are you going?" Steve yells after me, "I'ma go get a flashlight! I'll be back!" i yell back, "wait why?" the girl at the counter asks, "because i walked here, and if I'ma walk back i wanna see where im walking." i say while shrugging. "i can just drive you home." Steve suggests.

i shrug, "why not?" i sit back down in the stall. "soooo, are you guys-?" the girl at the counter smirks, "what?! no! we're friends." i exclaim, "mhmm friends." she says, "Robin thats enough, we're just friends, and actually we wouldnt be friends if i never would've hung out with her cousin." Steve says annoyed. "exactly, i thought he was douche for the longest time." i backing him up.

"so you're Robin? nice to meet you! im y/n." i say walking closer to her, sticking my hand out, once i get closer to her, i actually get to see her face. holy mother of pearl- shes so pretty, her perfect freckles, her blondish/brownish short hair that perfectly touches her shoulders, her pink, plump lips that are probably so soft, wait. no. shes just pretty thats all. yeah. i cant be falling for HER. i just met her. and besides im straight.

i get snapped out of my thoughts by Robin taking my hand and shaking it. "nice to meet you, y/n, i work with your dingus friend." i laugh, "i think we're going to be great friends Robin. hey also is there anyway i could possibly get like a summer job, here i guess." i ask no one in particular. Robin lets go of my hand and leads me to the backroom where Steve is cleaning, "hey dingus, your friend wants work here, im gonna go clean the front. have fun." and with that Robin leaves, leaving well only me and Steve.

"ok, so like whats you're favorite ice cream?" Steve asks, which caught me off guard, "you know what it is?" i say, "yeah, but i still gotta ask." Steve says while wiping off the table, "well its (your favorite ice cream)" i say, "ok you're hired." Steve says handing me a sailor outfit. "yeah thanks." i go back to the outside area, and see Robin cleaning the tables. she looks back, "oh so you're hired, cool." i smile lightly. this girl, i cant. Steve then walks out, and slings his arm around my shoulder, "bye Robin, see you tomorrow!" "yeah, see you tomorrow." Robin says looking at Steve, "see you tomorrow?" Robin asks me, "sure I'll be here! also what time do i start?" "umm well, we open at 12, so like before 12 would be great!" i thank her by giving her a nod, and with that Steve and I are heading towards his car, once we get to his car, he opens the car door for me.

"what a gentleman!" i say while smiling. he lets out a little laugh, and gets in, on the way to the Henderson's house, its quiet, well other than the radio playing faintly. i honestly couldnt tell if it was awkward silence, or not. i suddenly get my head slammed into the dashboard. "ow! what the hell!" i yell turning to Steve, "sorry stopped a lot harder than i meant too." he just simply shrugs. i roll my eyes, and get out, "sorry. hey thank you for the ride." i say through the open door, he lets out a small smile, "yeah, of course! i really didnt mean to step on the brake that hard." "yeah, i know you didnt." i say trying to make him feel better, "well I'll see you tomorrow y/n. sleep well." Steve says before he puts his car in drive.

i smile at him before shutting the door. i turn away, and start walking towards the door, the living room light was still on so, i expected the door to be open, and actually to my surprise it was. "aunt Claudia! im homeeeee!!!" i yell into the darken house. well she's probably asleep and i probably just woke her up. way to go y/n. you're an idiot. i go into my room and quickly slip into my pajamas. i turn on my fan, and lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. i cant seem to get this person out of my head. Robin. she's so perfect. but, i just met her, and shes a HER.

why am i worrying about her? its no use, i roll over on my side and fall fast asleep, wondering about what i was gonna do tomorrow...

girls (fem reader × robin buckley)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें