Finding Home

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A/N Hey guys, my name is Brooke and this is my first ever one shot. Actually this is my first piece of writing ever published. I'm so nervous about posting this and am welcome to comments and constructive criticism. In fact, the more the better. I haven't edited this and there will only be one part, but it is quite long. (Just over 5000 words.) Anyway enough talking. Hope you enjoy and see you at the end. ;)

Finding Home

*Smut Warning *

Troye's POV

Troye paced back and forth outside the door of Tyler's apartment seething with anger. He was livid and frustration was radiating off his body. It was a Friday night and Troye's boyfriend, Kyle, had promised him, sworn to him that he would be there at the bar to watch Troye perform, and yet here he was 4 hours later alone, seeing red and now standing outside his best friends door.

For the past 2 months, Kyle had never been one to be punctual, always running late to events looking ruffled and flustered. But this was the final straw, Troye thought as he had angrily drove home from the bar to confront his boyfriend on his whereabouts.

Troye was getting sick and tired of Kyle's excuses and with their entire relationship at this point as Kyle was constantly standing him up in front of friends and fighting with him over the stupidest of things, often getting to a point where he would shout things at Troye, pointing out his flaws and Troye's biggest insecurities. All things which Troye had confided in Kyle as a way of sharing himself with his partner and bringing the two closer but instead were thrown back in his face in order to harm him in ways Kyle knew would hurt the worst.

Over the course of their relationship Tyler had often shared his concerns with Troye about his boyfriend, saying that he deserved better and passing him looks of sympathy every time Kyle did or said something that really couldn't be passed off as typical behaviour towards the person you claim to love. But Troye constantly pushed Tyler's concerns away claiming that they were just going through a rough patch, even though he himself was beginning to believe his feelings for Kyle were not what they were and that he just maybe did deserve better.

But although Tyler expressed his concerns, doubts and dislikes about the relationship, he was always there for Troye whenever the couple had a particularly bad argument, which as of recently was becoming a regularly occurring event, with Troye showing up at Tyler's apartment every couple of days. Tyler became Troye's shoulder to cry on and many a time the two boys had found themselves cuddling on the couch watching a movie until they fell asleep or sharing Tylers bed whilst Tyler played with Troye's hair, running his fingers up and down the younger boys spine and whispering comforting words into his ear until they drifted off holding each other like they were the others lifeline. Not to mention when they awoke they would often find their legs entangled and their bodies resting against each other even if at the beginning of the night they had started on opposite sides of the bed. It was as if during the night even their subconscious minds had been drawn together like two sides of a magnet.

At first they had been quick to unentangle themselves, refusing to look at each other with both boys sporting matching blushes and awkward glances as Troye would half heartedly apologise, thank Tyler and then leave for his own apartment. But now the two had long since given up and upon waking would remain in each others arms for a while and make small talk as Tyler played with the short curls on the back of Troye head and Troye drew patterns onto Tyler's chest often slipping his hand under the material and enjoying the way Tyler shivered under his touch as he tried to warm his hand.

Troye couldn't deny that whilst his feelings for Kyle had altered so had his feelings for Tyler. But even if that was the case, Tyler was his best friend and Kyle was his boyfriend, and the fact was he had already given so much of his time to this relationship with Kyle, didn't he as least owe his boyfriend the chance to make it up to him and perhaps try and restore what they had to what they once had.

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