Start from the beginning

They were all the same flavor of juice. Not to mention, this flavor was my favourite. (F/flavor) juice.

Now I'm craving for it... But don't be tempted. You already consumed two cans of this (f/flavor) juice, (Y/n). Remember to always follow your diet.

Don't mess up the balance!

Remembering my true intention, I hurried back to the person I ran into. His hood was up, covering most of his feature. He was even wearing a black mask to properly hide his face. Judging from his body build, he was probably a man.

"Here are your cans, Sir... I'm sorry, again." I bowed down first then handed over the goods he was going to purchase. He silently took the cans away from my hands and hugged them with one arm.

The man picked up my basket then handed it over to me without saying a word. I gasped in happiness and took the basket from his possession. What a good manner he had.

"Thank you , Sir." I joyfully expressed my gratitude to him. It was extremely rare to find human with good manners these days. This happened because everyone thought rudeness and improper behavior were something cool in this modern time.

The man didn't say a word , simply nodding his head. I started to assume he was a mute so I didn't think him he was being impolite. A bright smile laced on my face as a gift for him.

"Have a good day, Sir." I bid my farewell with the good-mannered stranger. Walking past him, I headed toward the cashier counter to make the payment.

I'm glad that the person I ran into didn't yell at me for being careless just now...

Seriously, he is kind and polite. He just looks reserved and secretive.

Gosh, his good attitude really made me immensely happy. I had been dealing with rude beasts only these days. Meeting that stranger with proper manners manage to make my day better.

Hopefully, I will meet him again. Maybe we can change the status from strangers to acquaintances, then friends!

But I can't have high hope, can I? This world is cruel anyway. Always crush my expectations in the worst way possible.

Still...having a tiny bud of hope isn't wrong, right?

having a tiny bud of hope isn't wrong, right?

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After the shopping,
(Y/n)'s apartment...

I sat down on the couch, hand clamping my tummy. My stomach was full with food and I could take a moment of relaxation at last. I switched on the television, choosing a random TV channel.

But I accidentally switched to the news channel. "Oh? There is still news airing around this hour?" I was a bit surprised. This news probably would end on 9.30 p.m.

"The most dangerous criminal organization existed in Japan history, Bonten, is still at large. Cops once again failed to track down its most wanted executives."

Dear My Stalker • Haruchiyo SanzuWhere stories live. Discover now