|Chapter I|

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Chapter 1
|If life was easy, we wouldn't be here.|


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Is it just me, or is it that every weird encounter happens when you least expect it?

Do I even want to know why that guy was in my sight? What was he doing? Why was there blood on his clothes?

Well, if you really ask me, then no, I wouldn't want to know.

The opposite most likely, I'd run so fast, it'd be like you never even saw me.

I am sitting on my office now, waiting for the next, how do I call them, client, to come in, but I can't stop thinking about that man.

How utterly and handsomely insane the look in his dark eyes was.

The way he looked at me, thinking I was a threat, and the way he looked at me when realized I saved his son.

It was different, yes, but no sight of remorse could be seen in the depths of them.

A knock sounded from the door suddenly, making me jump in fright, as if thinking about him would make him appear once more.

But no, it was the woman I was expecting next.

A thirty five year old divorced woman who needed a little guidance, not to kill herself because her husband left her. I am not being sarcastic here...

"Come in."

"Good morning. I am sorry for being late, I just couldn't get past the traffic!"

"It is okay, miss Roberts, you can relax."

"Oh no, please call me Nora."

"Of course, the you must call me Irina."

"It'd be my pleasure, Irina."

And that's how the meeting started... Until it ended...

"So this is our third meeting now, Nora. And I have been observing you closely, understanding your situation, you are not possibly depressed. It is that you have been used to someone taking care of you and with your husband gone, you have been shaken, not knowing how to keep going with your life."

"I think so too, I believe that he made me feel secure only to manipulate me to give into his every request, but I feel like I can't live without him."

"I think this is a great opportunity for you to find more about yourself, about who you are really, find a job, give life a chance. It is not hard to get depressed, but there is a hard road afterwards, so I suggest you try your best to keep your happiness."

"So what do I do? What if he comes back? Do I sign the divorce papers?"

"These questions can only be answered by you. But I can advise you that before making a decision, you need to find yourself back."

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