Chapter 1: Highkage

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The clouds came rolling in painting the sky gray as we ran through the busy streets of Taima.

"Great it's raining now." I said sarcastically

"Just hurry up Marisol we're gonna be late!" Lorena yelled at me as we made our way to the second Kusakages office.

I ran ahead wondering what he would even want with me on such a short notice, but before I could ponder any longer we were in front of the office. Lorena spoke as we went inside, "Good thing I stayed after the mission was over or else you're sorry ass would've been late."

I rolled my eyes and upon entering the building I asked lazily, "Do you think he'll be able to tell I got high before this?" 

Lorena looked in my blood red eyes, "... Nope." 

We continued to the office. When we got to the front door I knocked twice, "It's Marisol."

We heard a muffled 'come in' and I grabbed the cold handle letting myself in. "Good evening Kusakage Ice Cube." I bowed, "You wanted to speak to me?"

"Yes, as you know I'll be retiring and I've been looking for the next Kusakage." he cleared his throat and inhaled the intoxicating smoke, "I thought you would be good for the job despite your young age. The only thing I'd have to teach you is how to keep the trap full! So would you like  to take over?"

I stood there thinking what good that would bring me. After a minute I said, "Nah not really.."

"I mean it's not too hard. Just keep everyone in line." he said in a tranquil state

"I mean I do want to serve my village and the people..." I said in a confident voice, "I accept."

"Aight I'm out." He left the office and the secretary came in explaining the paperwork we had to fill out.

"I don't think you've put enough thought into this Maru-chan. You know he was just summing it up, it's not that easy." Lorena said in a teasing voice

"What's there to think about? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! And I know airhead I'm not that dumb, I just think it would be good." I scoffed flicking Lorena's forehead then I turned to the window my eyes glistening in the sun.


A painful sigh came out as I hit my forehead on the desk out of exhaustion, "It's too much work, I can't do this."

"Just chill out." Lorena said exhaling and passing me her blunt, "How about you take a shower since you've been sitting here for awhile and we go out... Perhaps undercover if we have to."

"What would that do? Eh when she said paperwork I thought she meant a few signatures not all this." I complained putting my hand on the desk showing all the stacks of paper, "I guess I could take a break my brain is fried."

I felt a tug on my arm, "C'mon! It'll be better than sitting here wanting to die while getting nothing done."

"Sometimes I have discipline myself so I'll wait till after."

She blanked suddenly, "You've only done 5 papers. Let's go."

Just before we could leave through the window a Shinobi came in, "Marisol-Sama! We're in threat of being under attack."

Just my luck. First day on the job and this happens.

"Excuse me who is this?" the man looked at Lorena noticing her Sand headband, "if she's not apart of the operation then she can't be apart of this."

"Oh come on she's ally and I'm Kasukage so she can stay." I say with a stupid grin

A secretary comes in with more papers saying, "Even so the documents aren't finalized so get you're friend out of here please."

Lorena looked at me and put her hand on my shoulder, "Don't fuck this up."

As Lorena had to leave office more Shinobis and ANBU members gathered for the meeting when a man spoke up facing me, "My name is Woody Nelson and I'm the leader of the ANBU as a whole. As you know we haven't been on good terms with the Hidden Cloud Village but recently we sent spies to surveillance the area and they were all killed soon after their last message."

When he finished a shinobi yelled, "I'm sorry but how is this child qualified for this!?"

Everyone looked at me for an answer and I just shrugged and replied with, "I'm smart but definitely not yet qualified but you all can help me."

"Exactly, Ice Cube-Sama has retired and he has left her in charge so we must respect his wishes. Now it's time to make a plan of defense." Woody Nelson cleared his throat, "We have notified our strongest ally, Konohagakure, in hopes they can secure their country from any attack that may or may not happen from the Cloud Village. We also hope they will be able to assist us at this time. The Cloud Village will most likely send spies our way in hopes of more intel and to figure out who the new Kusakage is considering the news of the second retiring has spread like wild fire."

A woman stood up her badge saying, Whoopi Goldberg. She stood up and said, "So this means what is said in this room stays in this room. And Marisol-Sama won't be able to act as Kusakage to the public yet. But they could find out if they have spies on the inside so for now we'll have her pretend to be a normal citizen. That means no missions as of now."

When it was over the sun had began to set leaving pastels of color fading into the night.

I noticed Lorena sitting by a stray cat and walked over, "I can't act as Kusakage or go on any missions for now."

I sat down next to her with a sigh. She said, "Is the village in danger?"

"Not right now but they might be sending-" I thought for a moment, "We should go then I'll explain."

"Okay but there better be food, I'm starving."


For my swell friend, dame_mas_amor

Word count: 989

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