Chapter two// Breakfast

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 Thomas wakes up to a crash next to him, making him jump up in surprise. Newt stares blurily up at him, making Thomas sigh.

"How did you manage to fall off the bed?"

"I don't want to bloody talk about it" Newt mutters, as he gets up; ignoring Thomas in favor of walking out of the room, the door shuts loudly making Mihno wake up with a start.

"What's up with Mama Newt" Mihno whispers sleepily, making Thomas roll his eyes.

"I don't know, he woke me up by falling off the bed." Thomas whispers back, getting up slowly; on his way of getting up he pushes Mihno off the bed, making Mihno curse him as he falls.

"Was it his mate dreams?" Mihno questions, once he gets up off the floor.

"Probably" Thomas sighs out, as he finds some spare clothes in the closet; throwing a blank shirt, and skinny jeans at the runner. Thomas grabs his own set, quickly putting it on; ignoring Mihno's burning stares.

"You know we cant anymore, Our mates are in Beacon, so is your's and Newts." Thomas says over his shoulder, as he walks out of the room; Following the sounds of talking to the kitchen, when Thomas turns around the corner, he wasn't expecting a Man in a V-neck talking to newt. When the man turns around Thomas lets out a sharp breath, before promptly turning on his heel and running. He runs past Gally, and bolts out the front door, running towards the tree line; He hears Gally call for him, but ignores to continue to run into the forest.

Thomas runs as his brain stays on the face of his Mate, he runs for a while, stopping when he comes up onto a tree trunk in the middle of a clearing. He stares at it for a second, before he reaches with his magic, using it to tap onto the ley line. When his magic touches the tree's magic, he lets out a sharp breath at the feeling of abandonment and betrayal the tree sends to him.

"You need someone to bond with, huh?" Thomas whispers, before grabbing the Tether, and linking it to his own magic. His body shudders, as do the tree's around him; the magic from the tree hits him hard, as a feeling of welcoming; and then like a dam broke, his memories come rushing in. Before he succumbs to his memories, he reaches out to his pack, and tethers them to the tree, allowing them to get their own memories back.

Thomas gets flashes of the group from the night before, his father, Derek, Peter; When he gets back, he's in the living room of an apartment, with fancy furniture surrounding him. Thomas gets up softly, getting his movements soft, so as to not alert the person who took, that he is awake.

"No need to sneak around Darling, You're welcome here" Peter draws from his spot in the door frame, Thomas jumps slightly, before turning around to stare at him.

"Right..." Thomas draws not at all believing it, he remembers how Peter treated him before. Peter just rolls his eyes, before motioning for Thomas to follow; Thomas does as such, following a short distance behind. The couple come up to a table, set with some Curly fries, burgers, and Stiles' favorite; Strawberry Milkshakes.

"How did you-" Thomas draws out, only to earn a look from peter that screams 'are you stupid'.

"We used to be somewhat close sweetheart, I picked some things up" Peter says, before pushing Thomas lightly to a chair, Peter sitting across from him. The duo eat silently, Thomas every now and then looking up at the older man, only to find him staring back.

"I remember, all of us do," Thomas mutters as he picks at his fries.

"I know, I brought you here, once I found you. When you tethered your pack to the Nameton, you for some reason grabbed me too" Peter deflects, as he stares at the boy who used to be human.

"Oh" Stiles mutters, as he pushes his food away from himself.

"Yeah, but it's okay darling. You allowed me to see some memories that Talia took from me" Peter says, making Stiles's mood rocket up slightly. Stiles almost lets himself get comfortable, before he remembers that it's Peter. After the couple eat in silence, Stiles clears his throat; It was his way of gaining Peter's attention, but what he didn't realize was. He already had it.

"I need to go back, I'm sure the pack is there wanting to ambush me-" Stiles starts before he adds on a quick, "Us".

"I'm sure, well let's go" Peter sighs out, as he gets up, Not waiting for Stiles to follow. Stiles follows, his eye catches a plaid shirt that seemed to have been squashed behind a pillow. He fights back a smirk, knowing that shirt is his; Maybe Peter wasn't as slow as he made himself out to be sometimes.

The couple get into Peter's ridiculously expensive car; Stiles rolling his eyes when Peter opens the sun roof.
"What? We gotta roll up in style" Peter says, catching the eye roll.

"Of course" Stiles mutters before turning his attention out the window, watching the scenery change rapidly.

The couple pull up to the glader's house, where cars are wrapped down the street; Stiles slams his head back into the head rest and lets out a groan, making Peter fight back a laugh.

"I guess you were right. '' Peter snarks, before parking the car behind Derek's camaro; Making sure to park so close that their cars are practically touching. Stiles arches an eyebrow at the man, making Peter smirk in return.

"Well if they're going to ambush you, then the least I can do is inhabit Derek's way out" Peter says as he shrugs slightly, getting out of the car; Stiles sits in the car for a moment, Peter's words running through his head before following Peter out of the car. Stiles nearly trips as he squeezes his way between the two cars, before running to catch up to the wolf. The couple comes to the door, both hesitating to open it.

"It's your house darling" Peter says as he motions for Stiles to open the car door, making Stiles roll his eyes before throwing the door open to chaos. 




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