1. New Kid

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The leaves seem to fall slower here in Hawkins, Indiana. Growing up in Indianapolis, everything was so fast-paced all of the time; it makes you forget to appreciate the little things. For example, being lucky enough to move somewhere as pretty as this town.

You catch yourself in the daze and quickly snap back to reality. Realizing you were only driving thirty miles an hour when the speed limit is fifty.

"This must be it." you mutter to yourself.

Pulling into a narrow, overgrown drive-way, you expel a sigh of relief. Finally feeling the weight and stress of moving away from home ease a bit. You unbuckle your seat belt and open your door, stepping out onto the cracked concrete.

"It's kind of old looking.. but it'll do." Speaking to yourself again.

You reach into your pants pocket and grab the house key, It's gold and shiny like its been freshly cut to fit the door lock. Jingling it in your hand for a second, you take a look around. There's a few kids riding bikes up and down the block and a older couple right across the street from you sitting on their porch. You muster up the energy to half-assed wave at the oldies, since they were staring at you. They don't return the gesture, making you uncomfortable. You turn on a heel and face your own door. Walking up, you place the key into the lock. It makes a satisfying click before turning. Pushing the door open, the living room greets you with a stale smell, as if no one has entered the house in years. You decide its best if you clean everything before unpacking.


After cleaning for a while and bringing a few boxes inside you decide to unpack necessities. For example, your tv and VCR. Your stomach growls slightly, realizing you haven't eaten at all today you decide you might want to go grab some food. You lock your door and get into your car, driving toward any fast food place you pass. While driving around you see a video store pass, Maybe I'll stop on the way back. You think to yourself. You stop at McDonalds and grab a burger, eating in your car before heading back home.

Seeing the video store coming up, you turn into the parking lot. The large sign signaling you into the parking lot reads Family Video. It's connected to a arcade that is extremely busy, yet the store seemed to be dead. You park your car and walk in.

At the front register is a guy with shaggy hair and a scowl, he seems to not be enjoying his time working here. You look down to his nametag that reads 'Keith'.

"Hello, I was wondering if you had any movie recommendations?" You say to the worker. He scoffs and looks up.

"The Empire Strikes Back." The worker retorts, almost insulted that you didn't know his answer.

"I've.. already seen it." you say softly, hoping not to annoy him.

Suddenly there was a crash in the back or the store and a loud laugh.

"Steve!... Please I can't laugh anymore!" A girl says out of sight, laughing so hard she snorts. Her laugh is contagious and causes you to laugh under your breath as well.

Keith gets red in the face with anger and walks into the back, talking to the workers out of sight just quiet enough to not understand. You take this as a sign to walk around and look for something new. After browsing around for a bit you realize you've ended up in the romance section.

"Ew." you mutter quietly.

Your love life has always been a level of concern for people, always asking if you have a 'special someone' yet. Especially your parents. You have never even really felt the need to explore that side of you before. I mean yea, you have had a hook-up or two, but never have you really been interested enough to actually date someone."

"If you're looking for romance, I'd suggest Doctor Zhivago."

You turn to look at the voice. A girl with short, wavy hair is standing a few feet behind you.

"It's about doomed love, and It's a double feature if you're into that sort of thing." She continues, she smiles kindly at you.

"I'm not much of a romance person to be honest, I'm just looking for something to watch while I finish unpacking... I just moved to town." You say back slowly. Talking to new people has always been anxiety inducing for you.

"I was just about to ask, I don't think I've ever seen you around before and Hawkins isn't very big... I'm Robin." She grabs your hand and shakes it once before letting go. "If you're just wanting some background noise I would suggest something you've already seen so you dont get distracted by the movie."

I smile a bit before letting out a laugh. "I guess your coworker was right, he suggested-"

"-The Empire Strike Back. Yeah, he tells everyone that. Don't pay attention to Keith, he is just in one of his moods." Robin says, giggling again at her own jokes.

"Hey Robin?-" A taller guy walks toward you and Robin. You both look at him as he approaches. "When you get a sec could you help me put these returns back?" He turns to me and leans into Robin's shoulder. "Is this a friend of yours?"

You interject. "Don't worry, I wont steal your girlfriend. I'm just looking for a movie suggestion."

The two of them look a tad shocked at first and start laughing. "We are NOT dating, completely platonic the two of us." Says the guy

"Completely and utterly." Says Robin. She looks you over for a second before speaking. "You're pretty funny, what's your name?"

"It's (y/n)."

Robin points to her own nametag and the tall dudes nametag at the same time.

"Well, again, I'm Robin and this is Steve." Robin smiles into her words as if she was happy to meet another snarky person in town.

"It's nice to meet you two, I guess I'll take the Star Wars movie then."

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