Episode 8: Part 3: A New Hero

Start from the beginning

"Why are you petting my head?" Henry questioned him and when Ray awkwardly stopped what he was doing, he felt how messed up his hair was, which was distressing because that was one of his fifty best features. It was like he didn't even realise what he was doing, the look in the hero's eyes suggested that he too was confused as to why he was stroking his sidekick in a way that had never happened before. Maybe because for a split second, he felt like someone else?

"I thought you were Kaitlyn...or...y'know...(y/n)."

"Where is (y/n)?" Henry softened a bit at that and was decidedly less annoyed when he heard how empty his boss's voice sounded. He guessed, and he'd stake his job on it, that the Kaitlyn part was just a lie to stop himself from seeming so pathetic but then, in the end, he couldn't deny what his heart was yearning for.

In the breaking of the light, Ray had looked around the room for his darling girl, using his last sliver of hope for the idea that she'd not been listening when they called her name in the darkness and that he'd see her standing in the corner, looking as beautiful as always. But, to his heart's disappointment, she was nowhere to be seen and as such, he didn't care much for Schwoz's success anymore.

"I don't know, she's gone! Okay? She's gone!" The boy jolted at Ray's harsh shouting and also wished that he hadn't asked because it was genuinely upsetting to see him like that. Not throwing a tantrum because he was being a baby, but throwing a tantrum because he was missing his soulmate—practically poetry. But Charlotte wasn't one for poetry...or being sat on for that matter.

"Get off me!" She screeched even louder than he did and not needing to be told twice, Ray shot up off her head and let Henry go in the process, allowing the girl to resume her independent existence. He was already feeling tender, he didn't need her to get even angrier and bruise him any more.

"Hey, Henry! Look! I'm powering all of Swellview!" Jasper shouted to his best friend as he kept pedalling on the bike. It gave him an adrenaline rush to know that he was providing energy to millions of homes in everyone's hour of need, but that wasn't strictly true. Powering the whole city would be ridiculous for one boy to generate and whatever energy Jasper had, Schwoz needed it for a cause much closer to home.

"It's just the Man Cave."

"I'm powering all of the Man Cave!" Still, the small man's correction didn't dim his enthusiasm, rather, it seemed to make him pedal a little harder, even though just the hideout wasn't as grand. Even if no one but his friends were benefitting, it didn't mean that Jasper felt bad. No, he was helping out Captain Man when he desperately needed his friends to rally around him and the notion of helping his idol was the best feeling in the world.

"Just the lights and the computer."

"I'm powering some of the Man Cave!" Well, at least his spirit stayed intact. Despite Schwoz's constant tendency to shoot down his happy, humble brags, Jasper was still doing a vital job, even if he was causing his friends a bit of a headache. What little electricity he was generating was giving them a lifeline and they sorely needed one of those right now, but not as much as Ray needed (y/n). He needed her by his side, encouraging him, guiding him in the right direction, saving him from his stupidity and bad decisions, he needed her just to keep going. Where was she?

~The old internet factory~

In over her head was what (y/n) would say. Thoroughly and completely regretting her decision to hand herself over to the enemy and not because he made crappy jokes, tended to put his hand on her ass and slapped her fingers if she reached out to test a button. No, she could just about stomach being treated like a child, lord knows that she'd had to hold her tongue for years in the Man Cave to avoid looking like a complete idiot in front of her boss.

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