Part 1 🏳️‍🌈

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"YAH! JEON JUNGKOOK GET UP! NOW!" A poor black haired man jolts up from his sleep by getting a feeezing cold bucket of water dumped over him.

He's sat there shivering and trying to get his breathing more steady. Once he can breathe fine he glares at his best friend who is stood at the end of the bed with a cocky smirk on his face.

"YAH. Jiminah what the fuck!" He yells at the small male Jimin.

Jimin chuckels and apologises.
"Sorry Kook but if you don't remember that you have an interview today with the biggest fashion company in Korea."

Jungkook jumps out of bed quickly by the mention of the interview and takes his top of since it is soaking wet and making him even more cold.
But he didn't realise that someone beside him was admiring him with flushed pink cheeks.

When Jungkook took his top of it threw Jimin of guard. He couldn't help but stare at Jungkooks muscular body.

Jimin cleared his throat and spoke.
"I'm just going to go down and start breakfast."

Jungkook didn't answer as he was too busy picking out his clothes for the day.

Jimin just awkwardly walked out the door and closed it behind him.

Jimin has been inlove with Jungkook for years now. He's never had the courage to confess though so he just keeps it to himself even though it hurts that he can't be with Kook.

Jungkook still lives with his mum Mi-young  and his brother Woojin.

Jimin lives in his own little apartment but still visits his parents alot. He has asked Jungkook a couple times before if he wanted to share the apartment but Jungkook rejects saying he likes living with his family. Although one day he can't wait to get married to his love when he finds them and move in together and start a family.

Thats his dream.

He runs to the bathroom so he can take a quick shower. He doesn't want to go to the interview without having one.

10 minutes later~~

He walks out the bathroom with a towel around his waist. Eventually when he's dried he drops the towel and gets his clothes on which is a long sleeved navy blue button up shirt and a pair of black jeans with a belt.

He styled his hair in a neat but still slightly messy style so it doesn't look like he tried to overdo it.

After he finished getting ready he started to make his way downstairs and he can see his mum, brother and Jimin there already.

Mi-young runs up to Jungkook and kisses his cheek. "I'm so proud of you my baby. I know your going to get this job. Oohhh working for the biggest fashion company in Korea." She jumps about excitedly.

Jungkook looks at her and chuckles. He has been to quite alot of interviews for jobs but all the bosses just turn him down. For some reason every single one of them are just moody and grumpy bastards.

"Eomma this is like my 6th interview. I'm probaly not going to get it and if I do then I'm not going to be there for long before I get fired. All the bosses are miserable gits."

Mi-young just sighs and waved him of in a playful way.

Jungkook rolls his eyes and sits on one of the chairs at the table. Ontop the table is a plate with a little stack of about 3 pancakes with syrup, strawberries and bacon on. He licks his lips and digs into his food.

Once Jungkook finally finished his pancakes he put the plate and cutlery into the sink to wash later and headed to the door to get his shoes on.

His interview starts at 9 o'clock and it's currently 8:32.
Its takes about 20 minutes to get there so he better leave now before he gets late.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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