[ Chapter I - The beginning ]

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In this AU, they actually have a room where they explain what the test is to the Class-D, sort of. Not really, just sort of. And yea, that's probably one of the only things being sort of changed about tests. Enjoy!
D-0282 was sitting down at the edge of the bed inside their cramped-up cell, their hands clasped together and resting on their lap, with their back slightly bent over. D-0282 was also staring at their hands.

This place stinks. Do they even clean the cells? I'm gonna puke, soon, again.

D-0282 then heard their cell door slowly open, and they lifted their head and proceeded to look at the entrance to their cell, and they saw two armed men, and they both did not look friendly.

" D-0282, you're coming with us. "

One of the armed men said, sounding unfriendly. D-0282 sighed, but since they didn't know what was gonna happen, they weren't that scared, just a bit nervous. D-0282 then got up, stopped clasping their hands together, and walked out of their cell and stood in-front of the two armed men. The door to their cell then closed, and one of the armed men instructed D-0282 to raise their hands forward, so they did, and a pair of cuffs were placed onto the wrists of D-0282.

" Follow us, or else. "

One of the armed men said again, and the stiffness in the last word they had said got D-0282 moving, and the armed men began to walk. D-0282 had no idea where they were going, though. Suddenly, another door was opened, and inside of the room that the door had opened was a rectangular looking room, with a dark grey tint to it. D-0282 got a few seconds to look around. When they looked to the left, they realized that there was more room on the left side of the room than the right side. When they looked to the right, they saw that there were 3 white lines seemingly not connected to the walls. D-0282 was confused, but regained their senses when the butt of a gun bumped into their back.

" Move. "

A guard instructed, and sounded angry, so D-0282 guessed that they were supposed to go onto the white line, so they went on the first one. A guard then stood seemingly in the middle of the room while another stood in the corner of it, holding their but not aiming it, and that was what the guard in the middle of the room did, too.

" Listen up, D-0282. I'll only be saying these instructions once. "

The guard began, and D-0282 had no idea what was happening. But since D-0282 didn't want to be harmed, they decided to listen.

" Firstly, PTS is active, meaning that you must ask for permission to speak. There is a strike system, and if you gain 3 strikes, you will be terminated. Secondly, you must not show any hostility to the anomaly you are being tested on whatsoever. If you do, you will be terminated. And lastly, there must not be any attempts to escape or flee, if you do attempt to do either, you will be terminated on the spot. Is this understood? "

D-0282 was slightly dazed after so much was said, but they slowly nodded, in fear that if they did anything wrong, they would be terminated.

" Oh, and also. I was told to tell you that you will be getting tested on SCP-049. "

The guard in the middle added, and D-0282 trembled.

Oh god, what is a " SCP-049? "

D-0282 asked themselves as the guards gestured D-0282 to come with them, so D-0282 did. D-0282's mind was filled with questions as they continued waking to who knows where.

Is SCP-049 dangerous? Will it kill me? Oh god, I don't wanna die! Why couldn't they give me more info!? Oh wait..what even am I in this place? I guess I'm some Guinea rat to this place or something...Or a unimportant person.. I'm just hoping that I don't die.

D-0282 just wanted to get out of here..Just to go home.

A story of a regular examination - TEST BOOK ON SCP-049.Where stories live. Discover now