It takes time

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"Please talk to us."
I give them a soft smile and nod my head. We walk towards the living room where they set the warm pancakes on the glass coffee table in the middle. The black leather couch stretched a full 6 meters and was soft to the touch. I sat in the middle of my two concerned brothers and pulled the plate into my lap.
"I don't want to talk about it but I'll tell you a little bit."
The nod in understanding, Tae taking one of my hands into his own, rubbing soft circles on the back of it.
"We'll always be here for you boo. Whatever you need we'll provide and I'm sure Jimin doesn't mind you being here, that room was empty anyway."
I smile gratefully at them, "I'm sure you know what Clair did to me. That's the main reason why I came to live with you guys. I didn't want to stay in LA anymore. It was too suffocating."
Jungkook was next to talk as he but his arm around me, "We figured something like that had happened. You don't have to tell us everything just yet. Tell us when you're ready."
"I won't tell you much but I will say that I'm going to struggle for a while. I'm finding it hard to process that what happened actually happened."
The boys gave me looks of love and understanding, the first I had seen in a while, before both hugging me. I felt safe surrounded by their arms like I was in a circle of love that protected me from the poisonous pain I was fighting away.
After a moment I started slapping their arms away, "Careful you might squish the food."
They chuckled and moved away slightly, allowing me to start digging into the mountain I had on my lap. The hunger from not eating for a couple of days finally sets in and I devour everything off the plate. Nothing can beat Tae's cooking.
They chuckled at me as I inhale the ice cream scoops, "Slow down Y/N're gonna choke on your food."
I roll my eyes at them and place the now empty plate back on the coffee table. I lean back into the catch and roll over to rest my head on Jungkook, "Thank you."
I fell asleep like that and enjoyed the warmth and love I received from my brothers. It's something I missed while I was away at college.  When I was younger they were honestly the only love I every knew, brotherly love that protected me from the terrible world around me. Being here now has eased some of the poisonous pain that has infected my chest. I no longer feel like I'm suffocating for air, now it's just a disgustingly angry pain that has enveloped my mind and heart.
I sleep to discard the pain while my eyes are closed, it allows me to dream of a better time and a life that I don't regret.

My King {BTS FF}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ