Miguel and I make eye contact and he see's Jason, I can see his face drop from happy to no emotion what so ever. He pushes past Eli causing Eli to fall onto my hood, he starts to yell at Miguel until he see's what's going on.

Eli start's walking over here as fast as he can along with Miguel. Lilly and Maddy look clueless until they see Jason as well. 

I think they know something about him that I don't? 

Jason's hand moves to my thigh. "J-Jason please s-stop.." I say starting to shake. 

Jason caresses my cheek saying "Love don't worry, I won't hurt you. Everything's fine, stop shaking hun" "J-Jason s-stop please I d-don't like t-this." I say shaking more.

Miguel grabs Jason's arm shoving him against a car hood. I jump at the sound and Eli pulls me into his chest hugging me while rubbing my back. 

"Jason I swear to fucking god if you don't keep your hands off of her. You're a nasty son of a bitch and she doesn't want your dirty ass hands all over her. She's fucking shaking and crying because of you. Leave her the fuck alone or I'll tell coach and kick you off the football team." Miguel yells shoving him more into the car hood.

Jason raises his hands in defeat. Miguel glares at him as he starts to back away and into the school.

"Are you okay Lilah?" Miguel's deep voice says making me think he actually cares. 

I wipe the tears from under my eyes and lie "Yes I-I'm fine." I start to walk away towards the school, I make it about 15 feet away from everyone until Jackey and this other girl walk up to me.

"Hey you little bitch, how about you go after Jason and stay away from Miguel like I told you." Jackey says glaring at me.

I stare at the floor for a while too scared to look up, "Let's go Allie, I can't stand looking at this rat anymore." I listen to their heel's hitting the cold hard cement before I start walking towards the school again. 


"Ugh finally I'm starving I don't know how long I could've stayed awake from Mrs. Bush's talking." a girl named Olivia say's making me giggle. Everyone turns to me some eye's widen some mouths drop. 

"Oh. Em. G. Did you just giggle???" Lilly say's staring at me like she just saw a ghost. "Y-Yes." I say starting to look at the floor.

"Your giggle is so adorable. We need to hear it about five times a day." Eli say's in a girly voice causing me to giggle again. 

For about 10 minutes straight they continue to make me giggle "Alright alright.. My stomach hurts now." I say trying to calm down. 

Since it was free period we got to go anywhere we wanted on school property, if we wanted to go anywhere else we needed to ask. Eli and Miguel lead us to the football field so we can sit on the bleachers.

The football team came up to talk to Miguel and Eli which gave Lilly and Maddy a chance to ask me if we could have a sleep over. 

I was a little hesitant because of my parents but gave in and agreed. 

"Well best friend looks like me and Miguel need to go to football practice." Eli say's while tapping onto Miguel's shoulder causing him to glare at him. 

"Bye" I say getting up and following Lilly and Maddy out of school to our cars.

 They both follow my car to my house, thankfully my mom and step dad aren't home. 

They go through my pantry and realize I have barley any food, we watch the movie IT and begin to grow hungry. 

We go to the store to pick up snacks according to them we need "Candy, Chocolate, chips, and Soda?"

"Oooo girl lets get this red wine!!" Maddy say's "I- I don't know.." I say hesitantly "Come on girl it'll be fun." Lilly say's agreeing with Maddy.

"No I don't think we should." I tell them grabbing the bottle. "I'll go put this back." I say walking through the store looking at the floor. I turn the corner and bump into somebody.

Uh oh I'm going down. TIMBER.

The bottle falls but the person I bump into wraps their arm around my waist catching me. "S-sorry I wasn't l-looking at where I was g-going..." I mumble staring at the floor too scared to look up at the person. 

"Lilah? What are you doing here with wine? And it isn't even the good stuff." The guy I bumped into say's.

I recognize that voice.. It's Miguel, oh god I'm toast. That's it I'm never going back to school again out of pure embarrassment.

Maddy and Lilly come around the corner saying "Lilah can we go? We got the candy we wan-" Lilly pauses her sentence staring at the guys. "Lilah, speak." Eli demands.

"I-I was going to put the wine b-back.." I say while messing with my hair tie around my wrist. 

Apparently I do that when I'm stressed or nervous? I've never noticed it but I guess other people do.

"We tried to talk her into it, don't blame her it's our fault." Maddy say's looking at a very angry Eli.

My phone starts ringing and it's mom.. Here we go prepare the water lines in my eyeballs people.

"H-Hello?" I say scared on what she's about to say.

"Lilah where the hell are you?? Your car isn't here, neither are you and your room is a damn mess. I swear to god if you don't get your ass back here I'm going to let Carl beat the shit out of you!!" My eye's widen and tears start to form at her words.

Glad to know my own mom loves me.. If she's capable of letting her second husband beat me over a little issue what else would she be able to do without any guilt?

"S-sorry.. W-we went to the s-store.." I say trying to hold back my tears. "We?" She ask's confused and angry at the same time.

"Y-yea me and my f-friends." 

I feel like throwing my phone in the trash and fleeing to Mexico.

Everyone started looking at me like they're concerned about me. Maybe they are? Is this what it's like to have friends?

"Oh please! They're probably using you, nobody want's to be friends with you. Get your ass home right now or else!" A tear slides down my cheek. 

"God please don't let them hurt me ,I'm begging you. I just wanted to have fun tonight with my new friends.." I pray

I hang up the phone and slide it into my back pocket. I plaster a fake smile on my face saying "I have to go.. Uhm do you guys want me to drive you home?" I try my hardest not to stutter and speak calmly as I possible can.

"No it's alright, we'll just hangout here for awhile." Maddy say's with a smile on her face.

The Distance Between UsWhere stories live. Discover now