Welcome to the world of Pokémon

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Red's eyes shot open as his alarm clock went off. Followed quickly by a second alarm clock. And then a third. Red had taken extra steps to ensure that he would wake up on time, and he wouldn't be able to do that if he missed his alarm. What if it didn't go off? He couldn't afford to be late to Oak's lab. He couldn't risk missing out on his starter Pokémon.

However, despite Red's efforts to get up before his friends, Blue sprinted into his room just as he got out of his bed.

"You're only just getting up?! Where's your spirit? Where's your ambition? You'll never achieve your dreams if you're too busy sleeping!"


"Don't give me that. Move it, I'm going to go get Green. Smell you later."

"Alright, but make sure you actually knock on Green's door."

"Dude, I know better than to go bursting into her room. I do have survival instincts you know."

"So you're not an idiot, just an asshat."

"Sounds about right."

And with that, Blue sprinted down the stairs.

Red got dressed and ready and went down stairs. After a lengthy lecture about safety from his mother, Red walked out the door, and into his new adventure.

Red headed towards Professor Oak's lab, hopeful that he would get a good starter Pokémon. He had done some research about what gyms were up ahead, so he knew that Bulbasaur would be the best choice, but he wasn't sure. He was beyond up for the challenge posed by choosing either of the other two, and there had been sightings of Bulbasaur in the viridian forest just to the north of Pallet town. No, if Red got the option, he knew exactly what Pokémon he would choose.

Red walked through the doors into Oak's lab, where Blue and Green, his best friends since childhood, were waiting for him.

"About time. You're moving like a Slaking, Red."

"Now now, Blue treat your rivals with respect," Oak interjected.

"C'mon gramps, do I have to?"

"Don't worry, Professor. It wouldn't be Blue without that signature superiority complex," Red jabbed.

"I will sincerely miss your bickering when I'm busy being champion," Green said.

"Damn, Green. Challenge accepted," Said Blue.

"Well, onto business. I'm sure you all know why you're here. Since you were children I've told you that when you were all fifteen, I would give you each a starter Pokémon so that you could begin your adventures. But I must mention that I will have to ask for your help with something. As I've told you before, since I was a child, I've had the dream of completing the first ever regional Pokédex. It's been estimated that up to 30% of all species of Pokémon in the world are as of yet undiscovered. I hope to help the scientific community by discovering all Pokémon living in the Kanto region. That's where you all come in. I'm an old man now, so I'm too weak to complete this dream on my own, but with your help, I believe it is possible. Now onto the fun part. We will decide who gets to choose their starter first by playing a game of three-way Rock Paper Scissors."

The three young trainers approached each other and stood in a circle.

"On three. One. Two. Three!"

Green put out scissors, Blue put out rock, and Red put out rock.

"Dang. I guess I pick last then," spoke Green.

Red and Blue locked eyes as they put out their hands.

Red used scissors...

Blue used paper.



"Alright. Now that that's settled, Red, your options are as follows; The grass type Pokémon Bulbasaur, the fire type Pokémon Charmander, or the water type Pokémon Squirtle."

Red walked up to the table with three pokéballs on it. He picked up the one on the left.

"So you've chosen Charmander," asked Oak. "Are you certain that this is the Pokémon you want?"


"Then I pick Squirtle!!"

"Jeez, Blue! did you decide that just because of the type advantage?" Asked Green.

"Not really, but it's certainly an added bonus. I've always really liked Squirtle, so that's what I chose."

Green, seemingly relieved, said, " Thank goodness. I'd wanted Bulbasaur so it's good that that's the one that was left."

"Well, now that that's all taken care of, I have one last gift for each of you. Your very own Pokédexes. Your journeys can finally begin. Good luck."

Oak handed the three new trainers their Pokédexes, and Blue immediately raced out the door.

"Welp... There he goes." Green turned to Red. "Are you ready for this?"

"... Hell yeah."

So there's part one of part one of the longest story I will probably ever make. I have no idea if this series will ever be properly finished, but I have had this idea floating around in my head for months now, and I figured that I should probably just start writing. Hope it turns out well. Thank's for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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Pokémon Crimson Red, Oceanic Blue, Verdant Green, and Electric YellowWhere stories live. Discover now