Chapter Three: Questioning

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After the call with Doktor, Raiden decided too go to bed

???: *Rooster noises*

Raiden: What the hell is that noise?

He gets up and looks around the house trying to find what's making that noise when he heard Michiru saying hi to Gem.

Raiden: So that's who's making that noise.

He goes back to his room about to lie back down when just then...


He quickly got up and bolted out the front door, running up a building and zooming on the roof tops. It didn't take long to find the police station. Raiden comes down from the roof tops and walked into the police station where Shirou and another man who looked like an old cop were standing. There also was a clock that read 7:59.

???: Hello, you must be Raiden. I'm Yuji Tachiki let get this started.

(The meeting was only the stuff like name what happened when and before he got to Animacity and a theory on how he got there, mainly just stuff I already said)

Tachiki: In short, you probably came here through a wormhole. How that wormhole came to be we have no clue

Raiden: Makes sense I guess.

Shirou: Well Raiden this is over now so you can leave. I do recommend getting a job because you aren't living with us rent free.

Raiden: Isn't it the beastman cooperative center, where the homeless beastmen go?

Shirou: Number 1, you're a human
2, I hate humans and 3, how do you think they pay the bills?

Raiden: Nevermind the bills part, everyone here isn't a beastman?

Shirou: No, humans are here too and they hate us. And don't you dare say why because the answer is because we're beastmen.

Raiden: That must suck, anyways I'm out

And with that he left

Walking back from the police station he opened up the internet and look for a job. Let's just say no one was hiring, except for this one maid Cafe. The position? Maid. Raiden, not wanting to become a maid, looked everywhere and double checked. Still not a single one was hiring.

Thinking to himself "Am I really going to become a maid for money?"

The answer was yes

Rules of Nature. (A BNA x MGR fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat