I decide to take her through the longer route before we arrive at the house. She throws herself at me in a hug as soon as she's off and our helmets knocking against each other's makes us laugh. A soft squeal leaves her lips when I pick her up and carry her inside. She looks around in wonder at the beautiful property Elena and Roman managed to secure before spotting the access to the lake outside.

"There's a boat out there." Macy states as she walks backwards.

"Yes there is." I nod and follow her with my hands in my pockets.

She runs off and I step outside to watch her make her way down to the dock. I catch up to her and wrap my arms around her waist before resting my chin on her shoulder. Although Macy's quite close to my height she always feels small in my arms which makes me even more protective over her. I close my eyes contently to the sound of her sigh as she leans her head back against my chest while taking in our peaceful surroundings.

"It's so beautiful here. I love it!"

"You're more beautiful." I hum as I press a kiss to her neck.

"That's just not true!" She giggles before turning around and winding her arms around my neck.

"You'll never be able to convince me otherwise dove." I smirk before nodding towards the boat. "Hungry?"

"Are we going to have dinner on the boat? You know how to drive one?" She blinks up at me with wide eyes.

I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing Macy surprised. I plan on ticking every little thing off her bucket list to make her happy. She's been through so much and I'll be damned if I let her feel sad ever again.

"I sure do!" I grin as I help her on before starting it up. "Apologies, I was thinking of putting on a captain's outfit to make you want to jump my bones but I didn't have time."

"Bummer! I'm sure everyone would have loved to see two lunatics doing it in public." She plays along and tries to act serious. "Maybe next time."

"Well, we can still –"

"Let's get moving please!" She orders softly but her cheeks flare up in embarrassment like always.

I laugh loudly and she chucks a cushion at my back before crossing her arms with a huff. I gesture for her to come to me with my arm outstretched and hold her close as I steer the boat out onto the middle of the lake. We eat our dinner as the sun sets and the twinkling stars come out to play.

I make sure to stop the boat at a few pretty towns after that so we can explore further, taste testing different cheese and wine pairings as we go. Macy intertwines our hands just as we step out of a small store and I smile down at her tenderly. As the sky becomes darker and the clock strikes ten we start making our way back to the boat. But the sound of music playing brings forth an idea that I think she might like.

"Would you care for a dance milady?"

"Why, of course kind sir!" She giggles before I twirl her around.

"Did you have fun today?" I ask, purely to give my poor heart some rest.

"I did. I loved it, thank you." She murmurs sweetly before staring at me with a mixture of disbelief and love flickering in her eyes. "Sometimes I think this is all a dream."

"What do you mean?"

"I just...a part of me was always hopeful that me and Cam would escape that life but a bigger part of me felt like I'd never be able to leave. And I always thought that nobody would ever want me...that I wouldn't find someone who would make me happy and love me despite what I've done." She explains before looking up at me with a big smile. "That I wouldn't ever find someone like you Judah."

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