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Chapter Seven - Agreements

I don't know where I am.

To recap the last few hours, nobody mentioned where we were going once we got on the jet. We were driven straight to the plane's door and checked by security before boarding. The captain didn't do his usual announcement and all window blinds were shut until we were up in the air. I was blindfolded before we landed and all throughout the journey to the safe house.

I sit on a queen-size bed in the middle of a dreary looking room. Staring out the window at absolutely nothing but land for miles and miles I fall back with a frustrated groan. Dad and Cameron are going to kill me, I think to myself. I never provided an update as usual so they probably know that something is wrong. But then again I'm easily replaceable so I shouldn't have high hopes for my father being worried, I think to myself bitterly. A knock on the door however makes me sit up and tell whoever is outside to come in.

Reece holds the door half open as she surveys the room before her eyes settle on me. "Griffin's calling a meeting and he wants you there."

"Alright." I nod before following her with a barely audible sigh.

I immediately notice that Judah's not present when I walk into the spare room they've setup as an office. Realizing that this will be more of an interrogation I school my features into one of boredom as I take a seat at the table. Griffin narrows his eyes at me and I arch a brow challengingly in response. He grunts before looking down at the papers and I roll my eyes. It's clear as day that we're not fans of each other.

"Since you're not the heir to the Quintana empire we'd like to offer you a deal." He starts and I cross my arms as I relax in the chair.

"And what happens if I don't take it?"

"We kill you and send you back to your dad in a body bag." He replies gruffly.

"Wouldn't be the best of moves since you have a client to protect." I smirk before I curl my index finger as a gesture for him to slide the contract over.

Of course, Griffin ignores my comment. "We'll be letting you go but you'll be providing us with intel so we can take down Quintana and keep Judah safe at the same time."

I don't find any red flags or loopholes in the contract so I set it down on the table. "I'll sign on one condition."

"You're not in any position to be making demands." He crosses his arms with thinned lips.

"Fine. Go ahead and kill me, see where that gets you." The chair screeches back as I stand.

"Sit. Down." He grits out which I ignore and wave at him to continue. "What do you want?"

"My brother, Cameron, is not to be harmed in any way as well as the people who assist us with this plan. Even after the contract ends you don't bother me or him and that includes no eyes or ears on us. Is that understood?" I smirk when his jaw clenches knowing that I caught him out.

"Fine...you have a deal."

"Put it in the contract and then I'll sign. Don't try to pull shit on me either. I know how to spot loopholes." I retort before walking out.

I make my way back to my room and just as I've reached it Judah steps out of his. Turns out his room is opposite of mine which is quite stupid on the team's part. Our eyes lock and my cheeks colour with embarrassment when I instantly remember what his sinful mouth and fingers did to me not too long ago. His gaze roams my body with a heat so intense that it has me squirming.

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