I ran towards my sword as if I was going to pick it up, but at the last minute, I swerved and ran towards Meliodas, my fist coming towards his face. Meliodas's eyes went wide as he looked down at me, my fist about to make contact. All of a sudden, his eyes met mine... a beautiful emerald green...and my mind went blank.


I let out a cry, running forward with the stick in my hand. My makeshift sword clashed with Zeldris's makeshift sword with a clang. I watched his eyes flicker from their dark purple to a bright green. I lost myself in them for a moment. All of a sudden, I let out a yelp as I had been tripped by Zeldris. I fell onto the grass with a laugh. Gelda walked towards me, holding out her hand. I smiled, taking her hand as she helped me stand. "Amazing job today," Gelda smiled herself.

Zeldris put the twig down and walked over, crossing his arms. "Did you get distracted Y/N?" I felt my face heat up. He'd actually called me by my name! "I- uh- '' I couldn't form a sentence, much too flustered to do so. I nodded my head as a reply.

"I see," Zeldris picked up my stick and threw it over to me, just barely catching it myself. "We'll go again. Don't get distracted,"

I could've sworn that I saw a playful smirk on his face. He was totally enjoying my misery! No fair! Nonetheless, I smiled and said:

"Of course!"


I was brought back to reality, time suddenly moving again. My fist fell down. Meliodas took advantage and kicked me away. I fell to the rocky terrain, cutting the side of my shoulder on a small rock. I groaned and stood up, shaking my head. "Stop it!" I yelled, telling the vision to go away. I looked up at the trio again to see them all staring at me.

"Hey," Meliodas called out softly. "You don't have to fight us Y/N. This can all be solved peacefully. You can't get your memories back!....not yet," Meliodas mumbled the last sentence under his breath. My eyes widened. "I can't get them back? That statement suggests that you know something," I stated.

"N/N listen! Zeldris and I are trying to protect you-" I cut him off, running forward and punching his face in anger, a bright red mark now present on his face. When he looked up again, he looked hurt, so hurt. "So you're with Zel on this?!" I shouted, tears welling up in my eyes. "I trusted the both of you, but you each kept this a secret from me! Why.....why?! Those memories plague my mind, telling and showing me things that I don't understand! These voices are constantly in my head and they won't go away!!!!"

"I-I hate you! I hate all of you!" I cried out, not thinking rationally. "All you do is tell me lies and protect me like I'm some child incapable of taking care of myself!"

My breathing started going quicker and my mind went delirious. I heard all of these voices belonging to the very three in front of me. My eyes shook in shock, my eyes going wide with fear.

"She's weak,"


"She'll never find what she's looking for,"

"There's no way a puny little girl could take on all of us,"

The negative voices wouldn't stop overlapping, taking over my whole mind. "Shut up!!" I yelled, running to pick up my sword, but Lockwood had reached it before me, picking it up in his hands. His gaze was unreadable. It looked like he was about to cry.

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