Another Obsticle

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You've really gone through hell, haven't you?" The remark from Paul, aka Triple H, was more of a joke. Or, at least, it was supposed to be. It didn't sit well with the couple that sat before him. Stephanie placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly in reassurance to keep going. "We will need to investigate this thoroughly, and we cannot give the both of you anymore time off."

"If that's what you are doing, we can't argue." Jon replied; taking a hold of April's hand as both stood from their seats. If Hunter would only help in a business part of the problem, it was better than nothing. Stephanie followed both of them to the door.

"I do sincerely hope this gets better." She closed the door behind them, leaving April and Jon in the quiet empty hallway.

"That went better than expected," Jon mumbled under his breath. He hadn't expected it to go that smoothly; thinking Hunter might have flipped out on them for bringing yet another problem to their doorstep, a trickier one than the first due to no evidence. The McMahon's were trying to help, and it was something to the couple in desperate need.

April had walked to the Diva's locker room, kissed her boyfriend goodbye and changed into her attire. The Shield outfit grew on her, she didn't get a vest but Jon didn't have one either. It felt good to be back on good terms outside of the ring with her boyfriend, and getting to work in the ring with him made April even better. Just Jon, Colby and herself (Joe was getting his push for the title when he returned from surgery) teaming together. It felt right!

Needless to say it was easier to work with the team now that everything was cleared up; but the situation with Nick stirred in the back of her brain, and the sight of Nikki or Eva had April on edge a little bit. Not that she thought the two women could do any harm; it was Nick that had already dealt damage.

In an odd way, April was happy that she didn't have to wrestle as many matches; though she would still be a dominate woman in the Diva's division. The bookers wanted April to be out with her boyfriend for almost every match he was in, on commentary or just at ringside. She wouldn't be coming out from the curtain sore after every match, have countless bruises every week when getting home at the end of their weeks away from home.

"Ready?" Jon said, holding onto her hand. The group was coming out from the small area under the titantron, mostly where cars came in from. It was suggested April not go through the crowd, given how many people try to touch Superstars on their way down; it wouldn't be appropriate for her.

The two men climbed between the ropes, standing side by side opposite their opponents. They were facing Gold and Stardust, Dustin and Cody Runnels. April stayed on the outside of the ring, watching intently as her boyfriend started the match against Stardust. Jon landed punches and kicks to Stardust's face and gut; keeping just enough distance to be safe from the veteran.

He moved to the ropes, using them to spring forward to clothesline Stardust to the mat. Jon's elbow crashed down onto his opponent's chest, then again, and again once more. He went in for a cover, only getting a one count. Stardust's head slammed into Jon's forehead, knocking him off of his knees and onto his back.

Jon had grabbed the bottom rope close by with his hand, seeing Colby in the corner opposite him. Then he realised where he was; in the corner of Gold and Stardust. Goldust tagged in, stomping on Jon's chest as he sat on the mat in the corner. April started to bite on her nails at the scene before her eyes. She hadn't been told about how the match would go.

The veteran had taken a few steps back, giving Jon enough room to stand to his feet quickly and elbow his opponent in the side of the face. It created some distance between the two, providing the opportunity for both to trade fists and elbows to the face. Jon gained the upper hand with a kick to the midsection and punch to the jaw. Goldust fell to the ground, with Jon following closely to go in for the cover; getting a two count. He started to grow frustrated; the match was meant to be going quicker than the current pace. His second side kicked in, his crazy side that would be unpredictable and fast paced.

Goldust stood up, noticing his brother stepping into the ring to help him. But what he didn't see was Colby rushing into the ring to stop anything that could happen. Almost instantly the two brothers were outside of the ring, and the two Shield members ran into the opposite ropes. The momentum had been enough to launch both men through the ropes, crashing into their opponents and knocking all four onto the padded ground below.

April moved to the steel steps, close enough to see what was happening, but far enough that she wouldn't be in any trouble. The Shield members were on their feet first, Jon pushed Goldust into the ring. He tagged Colby in, allowing him to hit a finisher to end the match. The Curb Stomp was hit successfully; the team got the three count and the win.

The three members of the Shield celebrated, walking up the ramp together. Pulling the curtain aside, April and Jon hugged for a few seconds.

"Guess you guys are heading out?" Colby asked, looking at the pair. He couldn't tell them to knock it off; he was like that around Kaitlyn.

"Yeah, I think we need more alone time. Still getting over shit, you know?"

"That's fair enough, I guess." He looked slightly disappointed, wanting to hang out with his best friend in a good mood for the first time in months.

"Get your bag and change. I'll order some pizza for us." Jon kissed the side of April's head as they walked down the hallway to the Diva's locker room and several of the men's locker rooms. April changed quickly, say goodbye to any of the women in the locker room at the time. None of them asked if anything was wrong.

"For the lovely lady," Jon presented a pizza from behind his back, placing it on the small circular table. He cut the pieces just in case they weren't separated enough. April grabbed herself two slices, putting them together. Jon looked at her quizzically.

"It's only one slice!" She quipped with a mouthful. Jon had a sip of his Pepsi before eating a bite of his pizza slice.

"Fair enough, I should try that later." April sat on the bed, eating the rest of her pizza and laying back.

"Feels good to not have something negative to talk about," April said, earning a nod from Jon. He lay down beside her when finishing his slice, moving his arms around her waist.

"It does." They stayed close together for the night; not wanting to move at all.

A.N. So sorry for not updating this sooner, I've been working on my Youtube videos lately. I will still work on this and the videos simultaneously. Hope you all enjoy, and I'll try to get the next one up as soon as I can.

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