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I went to help the little stars with finger painting when Moony told me it was nap time."Everyone go to the naptime corner the lights will be off soon!" I heard various sounds of disappointment ,"Come on Moon isn't that bad. Plus you all must be tired from running around all day! Some rest could be great for your growing bodies!" After everyone had a place and blanket I skipped ti the light switch and prepared myself for switching.



The children were settling down and getting comfortable in their sleeping bags and blankets. I was sitting near the center of the pile on a pillow with my harness set up so that if someone wakes up I won't step on anyone. I started to count the children and check them off on a clipboard ,it makes it easier  for sun since the children never stood still when awake.

When I was done I noticed one who wasn't on the list. The nameless kid woke up and I quickly floated over they saw me and his more under a blanket ,"kid what are you doing up?" I asked quietly beside them. "Sorry, I just woke up. Can't fall back to sleep." I nodded in understanding and put my hand out, they looked confused until a moondrop candy emerged from my palm.

They smiled in wonder and took the candy ,"What's your name kid? I didn't see it on the clipboard, you new.""Oh my names Y/N, what's yours""My name is Moondrop but many people just call me Moon. You should start heading to sleep." I pat their head as they yawn and float up they lay down and I return to my pillow.

'That one is my favorite','You cant play favorites brother!','I can and I will >:)','>:('

[Hello hope you enjoyed this chapter of Little Nightlight next one may be delayed until motivation comes back
Anyway happy 4th july]

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