I decided to slowly sneak out of the house, I got into my car and drove over to Brad's house

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I decided to slowly sneak out of the house, I got into my car and drove over to Brad's house. I saw him waiting out on the porch as I pulled up, I smiled and got out. I go to hug him, but he backs up. "Ew, What are you wearing? Just because we are going to a carnival, doesn't mean you have to look like, one of those circus freaks!" Brad states, looking me up and down. "Let's just go" Brad adds, I nod and jump into the car, he rides in the passenger seat, as we head off to the carnival. Brad gives me my ticket. I see the Carnival/Circus in sight. "Omg this is so cool, thanks!" I say to my Boyfriend. "I know" Brad smiled. We got out of the car and started to roam the fairgrounds. The show didn't start till another 20 minutes and we had reserved seats. I saw these mini-shops that were selling merchandise, like cups, magnets, shirts, etc. 

"Hey, Babe. I'm gonna go buy us some cotton candy" Brad says motioning me to the Cotton Candy stand. "One pink and one blue cotton candy" I state, the guy smiled creepily as he began to make it. I saw his name tag, it read 'Jim'. "Here you go that will be 5 dollars" Jim says, Brad felt his pant pocket. "Oh, I'm so sorry, (Y/n)... I must have left my wallet at home" Brad states. I pull out my wallet and pay. "Thanks" I say, handing Jim the money. "No, Thank you" Jim replied. As we walked to the big circus tent. Brad had already finished his cotton candy. Suddenly he grabbed mine and began eating it. "Hey!" I say. "What? We are sharing" Brad says. "I paid for it to began with" I state. "Oh, Boo hoo" Brad says. 

I suddenly punched him in the stomach, hard. Brad drops my cotton candy, ruining it. "What the hell" Brad growls, he goes to punch me, but I start running, he chases after me. Brad was gaining on me. Suddenly I see this small store with a black and white clown standing beside it. He has long black hair and a big swirly cone nose. He has long arms and baggy pants, with striped socks, and a smile. The Monochrome clown saw me, and pushed the door open inward, with his black claws. I ran into the store, but it was a empty storage unit, with one window beside the door.  I looked out the window to see the black and white clown guarding the door. 

"Move it, Buster" Brad states, looking up at the clown. The clown smiled, showing his fangs. This black and white clown wasn't human, I realized. Brad punches the clown in the face. 


Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
Circus Rings (Laughing Jack x Reader) {COMPLETE}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang