Nevertheless she flew

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Against her father's wishes, Cash showed up for duty day after the funeral. Ice was right, she needed a distraction, of course he was right. She was called straight to the admirals office the second she arrived

"Lieutenant I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through just now. He meant a lot to us all so the loss you're going through must be a pain unlike any other" Admiral Simpson shook his head sadly

"As much as I appreciate that Sir there's no use in describing my hurt. I want to fly." Cash said neutrally, not daring to show any emotion. She couldn't do that, she was a woman.

"We will fully back any time you need or anything else we can do for you" the Admiral wasn't expecting that reaction. He was a man. He expected her to falter at his kindness

"I want to fly. That's all you can do for me." Cash repeated

"Lieutenant I really think you should consider some time off with your family" Admiral Simpson insisted

"with all due respect, my family will not benefit from my moping Sir. I want to fly." She pressed on. Admiral Simpson looked at her for a second as if in pure bewilderment

"What are your dreams Lieutenant Mitchell? where do you want to go next?" He asked, leaning back in his chair

"I want to make captain, do my bit for my country then once I'm done, follow in Iceman's footsteps towards admiral. I want to fly sir" she nodded curtly

"Hmm" the admiral thought for a second
"Very well you may fly, dismissed" he waved her off.

"Thank you sir" she nodded and then left the room. She wanted to fly!


"Captain Mitchell is no longer your instructor." Admiral Simpson started. Cash sat up in her seat quickly. Was he serious?
"As of today there are new mission perimeters. The time to target is now 4 minutes."

"Yeah in a world where it's raining hotdogs and sunflowers, is he crazy!" Cash whispered furiously but Rooster only stared ahead, not knowing what to say, not really knowing how to feel

"We'll be entering the valley at reduced speed. Not to exceed 420 nots."

"Sir won't we be giving the enemy the chance to attack?" Bob spoke up as if the man was insane which in fairness he most definitely was

"No Bob, we will definitely be giving the enemy a chance to attack. We'll get ourselves fu-" Cash answered Bob's question angrily but was stopped when Bradley put his hand over her mouth to save her future in the navy

"Actually I'd like to think we'd still have a fighting chance in the aircraft. What are the odds of surviving a head on collision with a mountain? We'll be attacking the target from a higher altitude. level with the north wall. it'll be a little harder to keep your laser on target but you will avoid the high-G climb out"

"is he trying to kill us? i think he's trying to kill us! i really do! i think this is a whole big conspiracy theory from the Nazis to kill us all? i think he's been brainwashed by the Nazis! Maybe he is a Nazi!" Cash hissed to Bradley, her knee bouncing, anger bubbling.

"he' Cash he's not a Nazi" Bradley shook his head with a frown. suddenly the screen behind the admiral started flashing and showed a plane starting to fly the course

"who the hell is that?" the admiral asked with a frown. everyone looked on in confusion. Cash didn't. She knew. She watched the little plane come further onto the course with a beam

"It's him" she nudged Bradley

"Who?" He asked, anxious for her to catch him up. Cash turned to the boy with a cheeky grin
"Who is it Cash?"

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