Growlings and gatherings

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"Fighting now? Really Lieutenant Mitchell?" Admiral Simpson sat across the desk from Cash

"When it comes to the people I love I don't think, I just do" she shrugged. Maverick perked up from behind her. That was his saying. Ice had kept his legacy alive after all
"Plus it's not like I started it!"

"Regardless of who started it you can't go punching your teammates" the admiral sighed

"What you gonna do Admiral? Come on lay it on me" she sat back in her chair, unbothered by whatever would come next. She didn't feel guilt. None at all. Admiral Simpson glanced to Maverick who was leaning against the wall behind them, Cash picked up the hesitation instantly
"Don't hold back just cause dear old Dad's in the room" she scoffed
"He doesn't give a crap about me, do you Mav" she turned to him with a glare. He had no response.

"We're giving you a warning" Admiral Baits stepped in

"Oh wow, 1 out of 3?" she asked cheekily

"Out of 2" he corrected

"Out if 2? Well now I'm scared" she said sarcastically

"Cash" Maverick warned

"Don't you say my name like you've earned the right to parent me" The girl snapped.

"Get a second warning and your off this mission plus your grounded for a month so there won't be any Saudi Arabia missions for you to get lost in, do I make myself clear?" Baits leaned across the desk intimidatingly. Cash stared at him for a second. it wasn't a random dig. when her mother  had passed she went a little crazy, begged Ice to send her off somewhere far away. she spent 6 months in Saudi Arabia, dog fighting with the enemy at all hours of the night and day.

"I won't let you down again Sir, am i dismissed?" She looked to the Admirals, blankly. Nothing intimidated her. not even her past.

"Yes you are dismissed" Admiral Simpson waved her off. She practically leaped out of her chair and stormed out of the office, slamming the door on Maverick so he wouldn't follow her

"Are you ok? what happened?" Bradley asked instantly, standing up off of the wall he was waiting against, outside of the office

"I got a warning" Cash sighed

"A warning?" He repeated with a frown
"What's that like one out of three?"

"Out of two apparently" she laughed angrily

"Dicks" he mumbled just as Cash's phone started buzzing she pulled it out to see a message from Ice

Ice 🧊 - we need to talk

"Shit Ice already knows about it!" She cursed

"That was fast" Bradley mumbled

Cash 💰 - news travels fast around admirals huh

Ice 🧊 - does when you're kid's getting into fights at TopGun
Ice 🧊 - I want to talk to you tomorrow night at dinner, be here at 5:30

Cash 💰 - is Maverick going?

Ice 🧊 - come and find out

Cash 💰- I don't wanna talk to him, I'll see you at thanksgiving

Ice 🧊 - I'm not asking Cash. I'll see you tomorrow.

Cash 💰- fine
Cash 💰 -  I'll bring the booze


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