Chapter 8

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The thief looks scared.

- W-what do you mean? How did you know that?

Minnie turns into Venom Girl.

Venom Girl: Because I'm Venom Girl.

The thief goes backwards to the people who's standing outside the house.

- Look! A big, scary creature! Help!

The people throw stones and sticks at Venom Girl.

Venom Girl: No! Stop! Listen to me... He is going to make you sleep, then he kills you and stuffs you like stuffed animals... I was just trying to help you. It's true.

The people that stood still outside the place are now running away from the thief.

- What's happening?!


- Help!

The thief sighs and stares angrily at Venom Girl.

- What's your problem?! I could have made everyone stuffed, and you destroys it?

Venom Girl nods.

- Yes, of course. You have no reason to be that mean. In fact, you're just jealous of everyone that has friends and family that cares about them. So why do you not care about them too?

- Because I have no reason to care about people who ignores me. Have you ever been feeling that no one looks at you, don't talk with you when people discuss funny things, whisper behind your back and you don't even know why?!

- Maybe, I don't really know...

- Okay. If you don't believe me, which I can see in your eyes, I'll shoot you with my laser gun that I bought for the money I stole from the woman in the park!

The thief takes out a green laser gun from his coat pocket and shoots Venom Girl with it. The lasers comes through Venom Girl's body, but heal immediately again.

Venom Girl: You're screwed.

The thief laughs evil while Venom Girl looks wondering at him.

- Why do you laugh?

- You'll soon see why. Look behind you.

When Venom Girl looks behind herself, the thief grows into Venom. Venom Girl turns back and stares at Venom.

- You look exactly like the other Venom...

- I know...

- How did you do that?!

- With my powers, of course. I can transform myself into anyone and anything.

Suddenly, Venom turns into Godzilla. A glass building behind him breaks into millions of pieces. Venom Girl stares scared at him.

- Are you Godzilla now?!

Minnie: Turn yourself into something even scarier.

Venom Girl: I know... If I'm a movie star, people can protect me from him.

Venom Girl turns herself into Emo Parker. She runs away from the thief that transformed into Godzilla.

Godzilla: Idiots...

When Venom Girl is gone, the thief transforms into himself again. He turns around and looks at the glass building.

- That's what I call mean...

Venom Girl, who now is Emo Parker, takes a photo of himself on the street. He looks at the photo.

- Wow, looking good. You're almost as handsome as Venom Girl, man...

People sees him and runs to him. They want autographs on their jackets. Paparazzis comes too, and takes pictures of him with their cameras. He takes up a pen from his jeans back pocket and sign their jackets with the name "Venom Girl".

- I hope you liked the autographs!

They look confused at the text. The paparazzis takes pictures of the name on the jackets. Emo Parker goes away and waves to them.

- Goodbye, fans!

They wave back, slowly. What they really wanted written on their jackets was the name "Emo Parker". But some of them are smiling, happy that they've got an autograph from a movie star.

Emo Parker: I'm sorry, I forgot. We have to catch the thief. Do you have a plan? I'm the one that is making plans the most, can't you come up with something now?

Minnie sighs.

- I knew you would say this one day. I don't know. Or maybe I have a plan... you can transform into the thief, go to the news studio and tell them all the evil things he has done. They're gonna think that he says it.

- Great idea!

Emo Parker turns into Minnie.

- You earns to be yourself for your idea, Minnie.

- Thank you.

Minnie smiles.

She goes to the news studio. When she is outside, she transforms into Emo Parker who transforms into the thief. The thief smiles.

- Let's go!

He goes into the news studio, to the front of the news anchor.

- Hello! I'm the thief. I have done evil things. Wait... If I say this, I'll get arrested. That wasn't a smart idea, Minnie. What if I'm coming to a prison we don't like? OH NO! I shouldn't have transformed into the thief...

Minnie: Transform yourself into Venom Girl.

Venom Girl transforms into herself again.

- Hello, I'm Venom Girl. The thief is making evil plans and I just wanted to warn you all. He's out from the prison.

The news anchor: What?!

- Yes. And he's dangerous. He wants to destroy the earth so he can live for himself in luxury.

The news anchor: Help! I don't want to die!

- Then, we all have to stick together. Remember that, everybody.

The news anchor nods while looking at the camera. Venom Girl goes out from the news studio. When she is outside the house, she turns into Minnie again.

- If you hadn't fought with the thief from the beginning, none of this would have happened.

- Don't blame me. I'm Venom Girl, and I can't help that I want to catch bad guys.

- It's okay, Venom Girl. I'll forgive you.

- Thanks.

Minnie goes to the park and sees a rainbow.

- What a beautiful rainbow...

The rainbow comes closer and closer, like as if it heard what Minnie said. Minnie looks shocked.

- I've never ever seen a rainbow move in my entire life.

Venom Girl: I think it's something mysterious with it. The thief can see where you are, he enchanted the rainbow. I think the rainbow is going to do something to us. Run!

Minnie runs away from the rainbow, very fast, with the help of Venom Girl. The rainbow explodes, like a bomb over the park, while Minnie sees the park explode.

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