16. Little Ones

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Akaashi sat up, holding onto Bokuto. Bokuto huffed softly. "Keiji..."

Akaashi rubbed Bokuto's back slowly. "Morning."

Bokuto turned over slowly and smiled. "Do you mind laying back down?"


"Because I like the feeling of you next to me. Especially like... this." Bokuto gestured to his naked body and smiled lovingly. "I have told you so many times that you are beautiful and I just want to hold you right now."

Akaashi laid down again and kissed Bokuto. "You are so sweet."

Bokuto rubbed Akaashi's hair. "You are too."

Akaashi just closed his eyes and let Bokuto kiss his face. He loved this. He loved laying in bed with Bokuto. He loved being able to be himself with no filter.

Bokuto stopped kissing his face and sighed softly. "Damn it."

"What's wrong?"

"I've gotta leave you again."

"Not if I fake invite you. I do that to some servants."

Bokuto laughed. He wrapped his arms around Akaashi's waist and got him closer.

"Careful there, you don't want me getting aroused in the morning."


"My sisters will kill you for keeping me away."

"True. Guess I gotta save you for later." Bokuto faked a sigh before sitting up. "Can we wake them up?"

"If you want. Warning though, the twins bite."

Bokuto rolled his eyes. "They're like seven."

"And they're super mean."

Bokuto grabbed his clothes and put on his shirt. Akaashi watched him get dressed from the bed, just admiring him.

When Bokuto was fully dressed he noticed this and laughed nervously. "What?"

"You're just great. I could stare at you all day."

Bokuto went around the bed and helped Akashi stand. "You're adorable."

Akaashi's knees buckled for a moment. "Oh ouch."

Bokuto held him up higher and helped him to his wardrobe. Akaashi got dressed and smiled at the soft hold of Bokuto between clothing items. If he could he would melt into Bokuto's touch and let Bokuto have his way with his body. Last night had been a dream and he had never felt so in tune with another person. Poor Bokuto almost cried when he saw Akaashi fully naked, in love with the way his body had been molded. Akaashi in that very moment decided that all that mattered was Bokuto and that he was going to stay loyal to him.

Bokuto was going to be king someday.

Akaashi looked back. "Kotarou, how does this shirt look?"

Bokuto smiled. "Perfect."

Akaashi nodded and stretched slightly, reminding himself to take it slow. "Could you please massage me like you did a bit ago?"



Bokuto nodded. "Of course. Did I hurt you?"

"I don't hurt, I'm just very sore."

Bokuto nodded. He held Akaashi to himself and smiled. "You really are so cute."

Akaashi kissed Bokuto. "We've got to wake the girls. And remember, do not love on me when we are around them."

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