❥Episode 9

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It's 11:12am and Adrian had just woken up. Adrian was surprised to see that Felix had already left, but since it was 11:12 he probably had things to do anyways.

He spotted a note on top of his laptop. It read,

"Sorry I had to go before you woke up, I have a project due tomorrow. Love you!"

Adrian smiled at the note. He really did love Felix.

Adrian stretched and yawned forcing himself to get up. As he was putting the slice of bread in the toaster, he heard music coming from the dorm room next door. Wait is that Lemon Demon?

Maybe I should ask them to turn it down it bit. It's pretty loud.

Adrian walked out of his dorm and approached the dorm next to his. He knocked on the door, making sure not to knock to hard or to soft.

He heard footsteps approaching the door and to his surprise, the one who opened it was Kevin. Kevin smiled and said:

"Oh, hi! Do you need something?"

Adrian looked at the guy in shock.

"Oh wow! I had no idea we were neighbors! Do you like Lemon Demon too?"

Kevin smiled brightly

"Yeah! I love his music!"

"By the way, I originally came over to ask you turn it down a bit. Sorry."

"Aw shit, my bad man. I'll turn it down, thanks for telling me."

Just as Adrian was about to walk away, Kevin caught his attention again.

"Hey uhm, do you want to maybe hang out at my place sometime?"

Adrian smiled,

"That sounds great! Could 4:30pm work?"

"That works for me!"

"Alrighty then, cya tomorrow!"


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