"Those pictures are my ex and I. She suddenly passed away a couple years ago. I like to keep these up just for the look of the room." He looks at the picture of them smiling, his face very close to the glass. "I zoomed in on our faces in this one. Just so when I looked at it...it would hurt a little less." He turns to look at me, holding his hand out for me to take.

My face is sad, I can tell by the way he looks at me.

I was upset because I knew deep down you were too Harry.

His face now turns into worry as a tear slips down my cheek. I hated to cry in times like this. This was his moment, I was ruining it. Just like I always do.

"Winter, I promise my feelings for her are gone-" I pull away from him in a quick moment, cutting him off.

"That's not my worry Harry, please don't think that. I'm worried about the fact that your girlfriend passed away-"

"Darling, hey-" He comes closer, grabbing my face. He wipes the falling tears. "I don't want you to cry for me when I'm okay now. I promise I'm okay. It was so long ago. I learned to cope. This," He points at the pictures, "this was my way of coping. To keep her spirit alive but in a way I could move on." He makes me look back at him so I don't stare at the picture any longer.

"I promise I am okay. Don't cry for me baby." My eyes close as I feel his lips on my forehead. He was calming me down.

"Let me show you the rest of the house, yeah? And then we can eat. I know you're probably hungry." I nod and let him grab my hand, taking me out of the room full of the first girl that gave him butterflies.

He takes me down a hallway that leads to his room. The room is very big compared to the rest of the house. Seems like he put most of the effort of the house into the master. The duvet in this room was different. It was white and it had a soft cloth feel to it. I lifted my hand from the bed, not wanting to seem weird for feeling up his bed.

But the walls had pictures on them. Pictures of a family. The family had a father that looked like the little girl alongside him. But the mother and the son stood out to me.

The son had those same green eyes as the mother. The green that seemed to familiar.

"That was my family before my father left with my sister. When we were living for the hope of it all. The hope that we wouldn't fall apart when deep behind all of our eyes you could see, we were all falling apart." He takes my hand again, taking me out of the room. I looked up at his face, his smile was not there like it was before.

I could see the tears in your eyes, Harry.

You were living for the hope of it all more than your father was.

Harry brings me into the kitchen. It was somewhat warm in the kitchen with the oven on. And just in time, the timer dings.

"Food is done, I'm starving. Are you?" Harry grabs his pot holders, looking at me with a small smile.

Subject change was your get away.

"Yes, I am excited for you TikTok masterpiece." I laugh and so does he. He takes the pan out of the oven, the tomatoes and feta cheese bubbling all together. He sets the pan in the middle of the island where I was sitting. He looks up and flashes a smile, he was happy with the outcome of the dish.

"Now tell me, how much does my sunflower want?" I shrug my shoulders, watching as he stirs in the noodles. "Alright, I'll take that as you want a lot assuming you probably have barely eaten all day." He looks up from the dish, seeing if his assumption was right.

I look down not wanting him to know that its been a rough couple of days. The want to eat wasn't on my mind.

He sighs and hands me the plate.

"You eat what you can, I know days can get stressful and food doesn't come to mind. But when you're with me, I'll make sure you get something in your system. Can't have my flower wilting, yeah?" I nod and he smiles. I wasn't upset with this conversation because I know all he wants to do is help.

"You and Chloe are very alike. Both always looking out for me when I don't look out for myself. I appreciate it, really I do." He sits down across from me, just like our sushi date.

"It's no problem at all. Always want you to be safe and healthy."

One hour later

The room was a bit chilly after Harry turned off the oven. We had been sitting for about an hour in the kitchen. I rubbed my arms a bit, Harry noticing.

"Are you cold?"

"Oh no, I am okay. I forgot my coat at home." He stands up in the middle of me talking and goes into his room. He comes back with a cardigan. It was colorful. All different types of patches with different colors.

"Here put this on." He brings it around behind me, holding the arm holes out for me. I smile softly, and put my arms in the holes. Harry smiles and sits back down.

"You look good in my clothes, you should wear them more often." He sends a wink my way, making me laugh. "You can keep it." My eyes widen as I go to protest but he stops me. "As I said, I want you to wear them more often so take that as a starter to your new style." He smirks as I roll my eyes, a smile taking over my face as well.

Hello loves.

I missed you all!

I see that we have a couple more reads, I am glad that more people are liking the book.

I have posted a link in my bio. It is a page for my Wattpad account. It will take you to my Spotify playlist for Metanoia, the trailer on my YouTube, and my new TikTok!

On TikTok you can find the trailer as well if you prefer that over YouTube.

As I always say as much as I can, thank you for being here.

Much love always,


Metanoia ||H.S||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon