The Radio Demon

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I teleport back to my room looking at myself in my vanity mirror. I saw the blood that clearly wasn't mine run down my body. I just smirked proud of what I had done. I then snapped my fingers again making a pair of comfy (F/C) pj's appear on my body.

I then flopped on my comfortable bed. As I clicked on the TV. Just then I saw channel 666 news come on, I was about to change the channel when I heard what they were talking about. "The Reaper Demon has attacked yet another turf. It belonged to none other than the overlord Velvet." I smirked as, they switched to Velvet's territory, to see she was pissed.

"You better listen well you stupid demon! When I get my hands on you, you will be nothing but DUST! She screamed. I just rolled my eyes. 'If only they knew that the power I possessed.' I thought.

~~~Time Skip~~~

It was now late at night, had to be at least, 3 in the morning. So I just decided to turn of my TV and go to bed. I didn't even realize how tired I was til the one moment when I actually closed my eyes, as I had fallen into a deep peaceful sleep almost immediately.

~~~Time skip~~~ (Fight me if you don't like it!)

I woke up to the loud sound of someone banging on my door. "Ma'am! It's time to wake up!" They yelled. Since the people that work at the palace don't know me as the second princess they just call me ma'am. In fact I don't even know what I am, or why they should be doing anything I say and whatnot. But no matter.

I just groggily opened my eyes getting used to the light. Once my vision finally cleared I sat up while stretching my arms with a loud yawn. (I fucking yawned when writing that! No joke!)

After a long stretch, I flopped my back back on the bed, not wanting to get up. I was about to fall back asleep when I heard the sound of a small ding on my phone. I then plucked it from the charger to see a message from someone. It was from. "BFF." 'Angle.' I thought with a playful eye roll. I then read the message.

(Bolds are Angel. Italics are you.)

Hay you~! We still on for today???

No shit! I wouldn't missing hanging out with u for nothing!

Sweet, hot cakes! See you in 30!

I froze. What did he mean 30 we were supposed to meet at 2:45 today for a hangout, and~... possibly a night of getting really fuckin drunk!

Wait! Wait! Wait! What do u mean 30 I were supposed to be meeting at 245.

Um... sweet cakes it's about 212 right now.

Oh , did u stay up again last night!

You know that always makes u sleep the day away!

I mentally slapped myself. I do, do that, all the time!

Sorry Angle cake ur right. I'll be there see you in 30.

That was the last text a sent before rushin out my bed and getting ready.

~~~Time skip~~~

After I was done I decided to go with a simple outfit to, try my best to not get noticed my anyone. Don't want to attract attention, especially right after I attacked Velvets territory. So I went with a simple outfit.

(I know this is kinda out there but I'm to tried to care! Change it if u want idc

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(I know this is kinda out there but I'm to tried to care! Change it if u want idc. I don't own this picture in any way. God, I'm ready to finish this so I can go to fucking bed!)

When I was finally ready I decided to go with a mask, to cover my face.

(Again change it if u want

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(Again change it if u want.)

When I was finally ready I snapped my fingers and teleported myself so I was now in front of the... Hazbin hotel? I thought Charlie said it was called the Happy hotel.

I just let it slide before giving a quick knock at the door. I expected Angel or Charlie to answer but what I didn't expect was a, tall demon in a full red suit, to be at the door. He stared down at me, with a wide grin.

I knew who this was Alastor the radio demon. Though as I stared at him, I didn't feel myself try to get out of his way, or run away screaming. Like most demons would.

Instead I felt my cheeks get warm, as if, the fiery pits of hell were burning my cheeks. 'He's cute.' I thought, until I realized what my mind just said. 'What we! Why would I think that!' I was going off in my head that I almost missed the radio demon speak.

"Why hello my darling!" He spoke, with a wide grin. You could hear the static come from his voice as he spoke. I couldn't find the words, I couldn't speak! Or move! Or anything!

So here I was in front of one of the most powerful overlords of all. Im lucky I had my mask on or else I would be looking like an idiot, especially with my burning hot cheeks. He stood there for a minute waiting for an answer, but spoke up again once he realized I wasn't going to, speak up. "Hm? Shy are we?" He asked. I was about to say something when Angle bursts in.

"Hay strawberry pimp calm down. This is my best friend. (Y/n)! She's cool!" He said. The radio demon seemed to just raise an eyebrow. "Come on (n/n) let's get going!" Angle said, grabbing my hand and started dragging me in the direction of the club.

Finally! I am tired and wants for write more but just couldn't. I've been up since 9 haven't gotten good sleep in over a week and I have to get up at 9 again and it's fucking 12 right now , so ya... Sorry guys. Thxs so much for reading my story though! See y'all in the next chapter! Your Author-Chan and/or Blossom so out! Biiiiiiiii~!!!!!

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