This Needs to Stop

Start from the beginning

   "Oh getting defensive now are we?" He laughs before turning to Snatcher, "Now where is what I came for?"

   "Right in there with Chargebolt."

   I notice Kaminari tense as he does his best to stand in front of her more. Even though he doesn't know the story and acts like an idiot most of the time he was smart enough to pick up on the context clues.

   "Well how the hell do I get my prize if there's another stupid little hero in there with her?"

   "I apologize I didn't think they would stay in pairs. I'll let you keep him too, I don't have anyone interested in him, they say his quirk is too much of a hassle. You can kill him for all I care, just make a decision soon. I have other businesses to attend and if you need this transported I only have so long to do it." Snatcher answers frustratedly.

   "I'm sure he would be great leverage... however I won't need you to transport them both. I have to get her out first unless you plan on damaging your product further?" He questions.

   "I'm afraid I don't understand the girl is injury free?" Snatcher questions.

   "Her quirk needs to be able to somewhat work for her to live just not enough to use. Don't worry I have quirk canceling cuffs I just need to get them on her so how do I get in and avoid that little pest." Dabi asks.

    "I won't let you hurt her." Kaminari suddenly states with a more serious expression than I've ever seen him with. "You can't get in here without your quirk canceling or shutting that part off which would mean I could use my quirk and we all know that wouldn't be pretty."

   "Sometimes you heroes forget that it's not only quirks that can be useful." I'm confused by Dabi's statement until he is let into the box, "There are other things that can get the job done." 

   I noticed him reaching for something I realized too late what his intentions were, "Kaminari move!" I notice his eyes widen for a brief moment before the echoing sound of a bang follows. Kaminari's legs buckle under him as he cries out grabbing his left thigh.

   Bakugo finally seems to come back to life after all the commotion, "Stay away you crazy bastard! Leave them alone! Come pick a fight with us if you want one so bad!" But nothing he seems to say deters Dabi from advancing towards the two. He manages to kick Kaminari away and there's not much he can do while trying to stop the blood flowing from his wound. He reaches out to try and pull Dabi away only for his hand to be stepped on with a resounding snap echoing the area.

   I could feel Bakugo's anger rising by the minute as my own anger was beginning to show on my face as Kaminari's cries became more apparent. But a feeling of fear rushed over me once Dabi finally grabbed a hold of his target. I promised I would never let him hurt her again and here it is happening in front of me. I watch as he picks her up fastening the cuffs on her wrist before bringing her out of the little cage we've all fallen into. Before he can close the door though Snatcher walks up to the container and transports it to connecting our own opening a path between the two.

   While I'm focused on Dabi, Bakugo reacts immediately running to the other side to help Kaminari as I notice out of the corner of my eye him ripping parts of their uniforms to try and help with his injuries. But I couldn't take my eyes off of those piercing blue ones staring at me with a crazed and excited look. 

   "Dabi I swear, let her go or I will kill you."

   "Now now that isn't very hero-like it is it little Shoto. Maybe you just need to have a little fun to relax. Let me show you what's so fun about having a little toy." Dabi answers with excitement in his voice. He places her on the ground. I can feel my stomach drop at his answer. I was hoping to distract him and anger him enough to engage with me, but it seems to have put his focus on her more. "Snatcher I will leave with her soon you can attend your business I just have to set an example for these heroes first" Dabi addresses the other man standing in the room.

Quirk Marriage Law (Shoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now