Klaus said, holding the plastic doll in his arms.

Five picked something up and threw it at Klaus, causing him to yelp.

"Get out! You can't be here! I'm in the middle of something."

"Any luck finding your one-eyed man?" Klaus asked.

Five shook his head.

"What's he talkin' about?"

"Does it matter? It's Klaus."

Five sighed.

"What do you want, Luther?"

"Um... So, Grace may have had something to do

with Dad's death. So I need you to come back to the academy,

all right? It's important." Luther explained.

"It's important. You have no concept of what's important."

Klaus suddenly popped his head in between the two.

"Hey! Did I ever tell you guys about the time

I waxed my ass with chocolate pudding?"

Klaus laughed and you winced, disgusted.

"It was so painful."

"What are you still doing here?"

"What? I... What? I need an excuse to hang out

with my family?"

"We're trying to have a serious conversation."

"What, and I'm incapable of being serious?

Is that what you're saying?"

"Luther's got a point, you should get out."

"What?" Klaus sounded a bit hurt, but it seemed you were the only one who noticed.


Klaus rushed out the van, and you stood up to follow.

"Y/n you can stay if you wa-"


Y/n glared at them.

You turned around, whispering under your breath, "assholes."

Klaus was walking off, clearly upset.

"Klaus!" you shouted after him.

He turned around, eyes landing on you.

"Wait up, idiot!"

A small smile spread across his face. At least someone wanted him around.

You reached him, tugging on his sleeve, leading him towards the small store. You knew exactly what to do to cheer him up, even if it was... illegal.

"Wanna go steal shit?"

Klaus looked at you in surprise before laughing.

"Uh, hell yes!"

You smirked before stepping into the shop.

You made sure the owner wasn't watching before signaling to Klaus.

You grabbed a few candy bars and stuffed them in your pockets. You looked for your favorite chips and grabbed them when you saw them.

Suddenly, you heard the owner shout at Klaus.

"Hey! put that back, young man!"

You stared wide-eyed, before giggling, "Run! We've been spotted!" You dramatically shouted.

You opened the door for Klaus who was carrying a shit ton of junk food in his arms.

You ran and laughed while watching him drop random shit on the floor.

Klaus let out a joyful shout, "Whoo!"

"Stop!" The man shouted after the two of you, hot on your heels.

"Keep running, Klaus!"

You laughed, adrenaline rushing through your veins.

"Hey! Stop right now!"

"Hey, bitches!" Klaus yelled.

A car suddenly stopped before Klaus, almost running him over.

"Out of the way, asshole!"

"Get outta the way, you prick!"

You both ran, laughing your lungs out.

"Now I'm starting to wonder

if that was the wisest decision." Five said as he watched the two of you.