Chapter 44 - The Return

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Feyre's POV

I helped Elain, Nuala, and Cerridwen set the table for dinner, the girls had gone all out tonight when preparing the meal. Tonight was likely to be our last night with our friends from Erilea. Just thinking about never seeing them again brought tears to my eyes. I thought of Borte as a close friend, Aelin too, even though we didn't get off to a very good start. "What's wrong Feyre darling?"

"Nothing, I'm just not ready to say goodbye just yet."

"I know what you mean, I'm not quite ready either."

"All done Feyre", Elain said from the dining room. I walked out of the kitchen towards her to see the finished product. The table setting looked spectacular, and the food delicious.

"I've already sent Nuala and Cerridwen to retrieve the others for dinner, they should be here shortly." My sister told me absentmindedly from where she stood at one head of the table fixing a place setting. Over the course of the next few minutes people started to slowly trickle in, and five minutes later most everyone was seated at the table.

"Why don't the two of you join us for dinner?" Aelin asked the twins before she sat down. The girls looked at each other confused.

"We're servants Milady, we have our own time and quarters for us to dine." Nuala answered.

"Hmm, well I find it absolutely preposterous for you not to join us. I never understood why people felt the need to separate others based on their jobs and roles in society. Please take a seat and join us." Aelin told the girls, in agreeance with her thoughts Rhys waved a hand and elongated the table adding two extra chairs at the end for the girls. They obliged and sat. With them joined us the order of which we sat went, me and Rhys at the head, to Rhys' left was Cass, Nesta, Elain, Connal, Borte, Nuala, then Cerridwen. To my right was Nyx, Mor, Aelin, Fenrys, Enda, then Az. Amren had chosen to sit this one out in favor of spending her night with Varian.

"Now that everyone is sitting down and has some food in them, I want to hear about Lorcan and Remmelle." Aelin said, turning towards Connal.

"Who's Remmelle?" Cass asked.

"Just a pompous, selfish, self-centered, schmuck of noble birth from Dorrannelle." Enda answered before Aelin had the chance to say something vulgar, she smiled at Enda's reply so it must have been acurate in her eyes.

"You don't like her, I take it?" my mate queried.

"No" Fenrys, Connal, and Aelin said simultaneously.

"Why not, what's so bad about her?" I inquired.

"What isn't wrong with her, as Enda said she's a haughty, self-centered, elitist bitch who throws herself at every good looking, powerful, and pure blooded fae male she sees. She has no respect for those around her, or for those she goes after." Aelin answered disdainfully.

"What happened for you to dislike her so?" Elain asked.

"Rowan and I were just minding our own business hating each other while unbeknownst to us becoming friends when she just popped into Mistward with a Lord Benson and the Lady Essar. During her stay she flirted with Rowan and started hitting on him despite his cold demeanor towards her and dismissal of her. The she started belittling me for being Demi-fae, and Essar for being common born. She also insulted my friend's excellent cooking. She continued to touch and hang onto Rowan even after being asked to stop." Aelin told them all.

"That seems like a good enough reason to hate someone." Mor joked.

"What happened to her though?" My son asked the queen.

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