Chapter 34 - Breakfast

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Aelin's POV

Last night's storm had indeed been small and only lasted that night, which was good, because there were many outdoor games planned for today. She planned to open the portal that night then decided it would be better to do it today after breakfast, giving her extra time to get things in order. It was decided that she would go to Prythian while Rowan stayed behind to watch over Terrasen, all the other monarchs decided they would also stay behind. It wouldn't look good if all the rulers just disappeared, but one along with a couple warriors, especially if that ruler was Aelin, no one would look twice. After a long debate this morning it was agreed that Aelin would go to Prythian along with Fenrys and Connal from her own court. Sellene asked Enda to join us and collect information about Prythian, so he would be coming along. Borte insisted on coming as well so she was part of our group. Which meant there were five from her world travelling to Prythian.

"You know looking back on it now you really sucked at your job Chaol, you weren't a very good Captain of the Royal Guard." She said, gesturing her fork in Chaol's direction. He didn't look very pleased with her acute observations.

"What's that supposed to mean. Was perfectly fine at my job." her responded.

"No, I agree with Aelin on this one. I mean you gave a known assassin, but not just any assassin, the best assassin in Adarlan's empire. You gave a daughter of a conquered nation. A woman who hated the previous king. A woman who was at the castle to win her freedom. A room with a secret passage that was forgotten by most of the castle's inhabitants. A secret passage that led to an unguarded way out of the castle. That led to the tomb of the first king and queen of Adarlan. A passage that also conveniently led straight into the queen's bedroom." Rowan said, backing up her claim.

"Yea that's pretty stupid." Hasar agreed.

"Oh that's not all. There was also that time that he brought the seventeen year old crown prince to a party at three in the morning. A party which just so happens the three best assassins in the empire were attending. And you let him flirt with me, causing an overprotective jealous assassin to get defensive. Do you have any idea how close Sam came to seriously injuring you that night?" She said that last part in Dorian's direction.

"Okay I have no idea what you're talking about." Dorian said, confused.

"Leigher Bardingale's Harvest Moon ball, about 18 years ago I think. It was a few weeks before I got sent to Endovier." She answered, now everyone at the table had stopped their conversations to listen in. When he made a gesture conveying that he still didn't remember what she was talking about she tried the last thing she could think of that would get him to remember.

"My name is wind. And Rain. And Bone and Dust. My name is a snippet of a half-remembered song. I have no name, I am whoever the keepers of my fate tell me to be." She recited, and it dawned on him.

"That was you! Wait, so that makes that boy... Sam." He announced, she simply nodded with a smile.

"Ooh, I remember now, you were drunk, very drunk. How the hell do you remember that? But more importantly, who were you there to kill?" Chaol added.

"That's not important." Dorian said, waving Chaol's question off. "You have type Aelin. You have a thing for pretty boys." Dorian said with a shit eating grin.,
"I agree, Sam was quite handsome. He would have fit in great with the cadre. He fits all the requirements, handsome, skilled in all types of non magic fighting, has a tragic backstory, was saved by Aelin, saved Aelin, was loyal to Aelin, scowled a lot, was overprotective and territorial. And most importantly despite being a warrior, and kinda looking terrifying, he was a big soft cuddly teddy bear on the inside." Lysandra said casually as every member of the cadre but Gavriel shot daggers at her.

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