Chapter 8

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After that night, we had to drive Eve to the hospital for her to see Ophelia. When we got there, her smile slowly faded away . She asked us if we wanted to come in with her. 

"Hey, i think you should have some time with only her, just you two... Me and this monkey of Jonah don't want to disturb or make stupid jokes..."

She giggled, and got out of the car. Jonah started to talk about some random shit i don't even remember about. After an hour, we saw Eve come out of the building holding someone's hand. They got in the car, and Eve introduced us to Ophelia, the girl she was holding hands with before. Ophelia was sightly shorter than her, she had beautiful and curly ash blonde hair. her eyes were a shiny grey color. I was clear she hardly walked. Eve's dak eyes became the birghtest  after seeing her beloved Ophelia. While I was driving, they started a conversation about our school memories. I wasn't very a part of the discussion, but as normal, i had to be dragged in by Jonah. 

''Hey Adam, remeber when our car broke down in the middle of the street?''

''Yeah...and guess who had to fix it? Me! Cause you're a dumbass of a boyfriend and the only thing you did, was eat and talk about unspeakable things...''

''Ok... i didn't expect that... but now i am smarter than before! You can't judge me by what i did years ago!''

''And tell me, with what you got smarter? You're still a dumbass.''

''So...uhm... I learned how to open a jar by myself, to tie a knot and... uhm... that's it''

Both the girls started laughing. Jonah really is still an idiot, but he's my idiot.

{The end. Btw, I will need some time to update :)}

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