Telling fans the truth/first kiss

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( hey guys welcome back to the new girl a TFIL imagine and this is part 16 Today in this part Hailey will be doing a YouTube video of where she tells her fans about her life story and everything else including her mental heath I hope you guys enjoy part 16 of the new girl a TFIL imagine! ) ⚠️ This will contain language and mention of self harm, abuse, mental health, Suicide, and depression if you are not comfortable with language, mention of self harm, abuse, mental health, suicide, and depression I recommend leaving now ⚠️

Recap : i admit i have feelings for Hailey I mean she is so adorable and so beautiful who wouldn't have feelings for her

- Hailey's P.O.V -
It was the next day, today was the day where I tell my fans about my life story and everything else which also means my mental health. I was finally ready to tell the truth I wanted to not hide it anymore cause the more I hold it in the more I feel ashamed of myself for not telling anyone about it except for Brandon. Every time when I go on Instagram live or twitch people ask me about my life story and I would always ignore them. Well today was the day where they would finally know my life story. I just got out of the shower and I put on just a casual outfit. I put on a t shirt with some shorts and I decided to put Brandon's hoodie on, after I got dressed I sighed and I walked out of the bathroom. I walked over to Brandon and Corbin who was setting up the lights and camera. " hey Brandon when I am filming the video can you just sit next to me please I just want you to be there for I can have someone to comfort me whenever I am telling my fans my story " I said to Brandon. " yeah of course I can Hailey I don't mind I will be sitting next to you the entire time I wouldn't leave you " Brandon said to me. " thanks Brandon it really means a lot to me " I said to Brandon " your welcome Hailey " Brandon said to me. Corbin was going to be filming behind the camera, Corbin knows about my life story cause Brandon told him but I didn't mind. " you ready Hailey? " Corbin asked me I sighed softly and I said " yeah " I said to Corbin. I sat down in front of the camera and Brandon sat next to me Corbin counted down from behind the camera and pressed the record button on the camera. " Hey guys welcome back to my channel and as you can tell from the title, this isn't going to be a normal video. " I said to the camera. " a lot of you guys have been asking me what is my life story whenever I am on Instagram live or twitch and I've been ignoring that question from you guys till today. " I sighed before continuing. " I was born in April 27 2001 when I was born I had to get open heart surgery the doctors told my parents that you might as well say your goodbyes because they wasn't expecting me to live but I lived, I didn't know what I was getting into when I came into this world I thought my life was gonna be perfect like a perfect story book but I was wrong  " I said to the camera while fidgeting with my fingers. I toke a deep breath and continued " when I turned 2 or maybe 3 years old i remember waking up in the middle of the night I felt like I couldn't breathe it felt like I was in a tight small room or box the doctor diagnosed me with anxiety, autism, ADHD, COD, and learning disabilities where my brain doesn't function normal then it should be like in my brain I am a 2 year old but in reality I am 21 years old, I struggled with my anxiety throughout my entire life. " I said while still looking at the camera while still fidgeting with my fingers. " when I was 10 years old my life hit a speed bump in the road my nana who I was very close to died in the hospital due to breast cancer I remember that the doctors wouldn't allow me to walk in the hospital to see her, I had to see her through a window she saw me and waved at me I didn't know what was going with her all I know is that my mom told me that she was sick me and my mom soon left as when we were leaving we were already on a road and my mom got a call saying that she passed it hit me hard " I said to the camera with tears threatening in my eyes. " my life kept on getting worse and worse I soon lost a friend due to suicide I didn't know about it till the next day I soon fell into depression I felt like that I was losing myself and becoming this dark empty mist. I started self harming myself because I felt like that nobody cared about me I stopped sleeping eating and talking I just stayed in my room the entire time in complete darkness " I said to the camera now realizing that I had tears streaming down my face I quickly wiped the tears with Brandon's hoodie sleeve. " I kept self harming myself till I felt nothing anymore the pain was gone the numbness was gone I didn't know who I was becoming or who I was anymore I hated myself for it and I just wished that I would've stopped myself from harming myself when I turned 16 I was in a abusive relationship during my abusive relationship my parents decided to get a divorce they wasn't happy anymore and I could tell that they wasn't happy with each other anymore but they kept on acting like they were happy when I knew they wasn't. In my abusive relationship I became so afraid of men that I stopped dating for a while and toke a break because I didn't know if it would happen again now that guy who abused me is gone like passed away because he was sentence to death row I still get nightmares about it I- " I stopped for a second and wiped away my tears that was still coming down from my eyes. " I hated myself for it to let him beat me like that I am sorry for ignoring you guys and I hope you guys fully understand why I ignored you guys I just didn't feel like telling you guys yet anyways I hope you guys understand and I will see you in the next video " Corbin stopped recording and Brandon hugged me. We stayed like this for a minute and we soon pulled away from the hug Brandon pulled up the sleeves on his hoodie and saw the scars from where I self harmed. He kissed them and said " please don't do this to yourself anymore if you feel like doing it please come talk to me about it " Brandon said to me and I nodded my head and I said " I will I promise I will come talk to you when I feel like harming myself " I said to Brandon. I pulled the sleeves back down and I went to go edit the video.
- a few hours later -
I finished editing my video and I uploaded it to YouTube captioning it " telling you guys the truth of my life story ( Emotional ) " once it uploaded i Copied the link and shared it to my Twitter.

- Elton's P

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- Elton's P.O.V -
I was sitting at my desk when My twitter notifications on my phone was going crazy. I groaned and looked at my phone opening it when I see that Hailey uploaded a new YouTube video. I begin watching it in shock " why didn't she tell us " I asked myself in my head I love her and yet I called her a slut yesterday. " wait but didn't she say that she maybe likes Brandon yesterday " I said in my head

- Hailey's P.O.V -
I was cuddling with Brandon on the Mat we were watching his old Vlogs I laughed at a scene.

- Brandon's P.O.V -
Me and Hailey was cuddling on the Mat watching my old vlogs a funny scene came up and Hailey laughed. " Hey Hailey did I ever tell you that I love your laugh " I said to her and she blushed " no you didn't Brandon " she said to me while staring at me with her beautiful hazel eyes. " I can't take it anymore I need to kiss her and tell her that I like her! " I said in my head I leaned in and kissed her. I felt her kiss me back and I pulled away " Hailey I like you more then friends you don't know how long I wanted to do that " I said to her. " Brandon shut up and kiss me already! " she said to me and pressed her lips on top of mine " I like you more then friends to Brandon " she said to me while still kissing me.

- Hailey's P.O.V -
I felt Brandon's lips on top of mine I was shocked but kissed back Brandon pulled away and said " Hailey I like you more then friends you don't know how long I waited to do that " he said to me. " Brandon shut up and kiss me! " I said to him and pressed my lips on top of his " I like you more then friends to Brandon " I said to him while still kissing him. luckily Corbin was asleep on the other mat I felt Brandon's lips go to my neck he kissed my neck. he snuggled his head in my neck and his arms was wrapped around my waist. He pulled me closer to him and I snuggled up in his chest, I felt his hand play with my hair I smiled and slowly drifted off to sleep.......... to be continued

( Ahhhhh Brandon and Hailey kissed!!! I wonder what Elton would think? )

( I hope you guys enjoyed part 16 of the new girl a TFIL imagine I am going to be working on part 17 right now! I love you guys so much!! ❤️ )

Total words : 1736

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