Start from the beginning

But peace could only last for so long without being disturbed, and as the popularity of the heroes grew, so did their arrogance. One of the most powerful heroes named Sunstar began to spread ideas of dissent among the heroes of the H.S.S., no longer wanting to be kept on a leash like a prized pet. He convinced them to break free and fight back against the government, and soon various heroes started rebelling across the world, reveling in their newfound freedom as they sought to gain power for themselves, grinding the very meaning of a hero into the dust along with the tentative balance of society.

With the start of the Superhero Riots came the division they caused for the people who supported the heroes and those who stood against them, and when Sunstar rose to power after murdering the president of the United States, the world government's control started to crumble. To appease the demands of the people, they agreed to outlaw the use of superpowers, afraid of someone else trying to rise up against them. Knowing that superpowers could only be contained for so long, they issued special wristbands to identify those with powers in case there ever was another incident.

The year is now 2044. Society has somewhat returned to normal, but many things have changed. The government is run by paranoid men, puppets controlled by their fear of Sunstar. They look over their shoulders as they clutch their money to their chests and snatch what more they can get their hands on without thinking of the consequences, keeping the people in line through patrols and curfews. They will do everything in their power to prevent another world ending event, no matter what it takes or who it affects.

Society has been rebuilt, but it's been rebuilt wrong.

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MAGNOLIA "MAGGIE" AUTUMN feels trapped as she goes through day after day living in New York City. Marked as a powered individual by the red light from her wristband, she struggles with handling a lot of things, including hiding her fire powers from the public, surviving the world of her rich adopted parents, and just about everything else in her life. As humiliating as it is to have to wear the wristband that sets her apart from the rest of society, it's nothing compared to the stares and whispers she gets at school, where people either see her as someone to admire or a freak. Maggie wishes she could escape from everything and find her real parents, who she only remembers in her memories. When she overhears a conversation involving her and a "deal", the girl decides to leave her rich life behind her. Surely anything that comes from looking for her parents is better than living in a fake world surrounded by wealthy and uncaring people.

As soon as Maggie steps out onto the streets, she is bombarded with how different life is for the people there. Unlike those inside the center of the city, the life for the lower class is rushed and busy, struggling to scrape by with every dollar and cent to their name. It isn't long before Maggie becomes a target for a group of thugs, who corner her in a back alley with no way to escape. She thinks this might be the end for her, until a mysterious boy appears to rescue her in the nick of time.

Unfortunately Maggie blacks out before she can properly thank him, but the opportunity will come again soon enough...

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ALEXANDER "ALEX" AUGUST is searching for someone. Ever since the day Sunstar ended the world, he's been looking for his little sister Josie, who he lost on that day. Almost seven years of searching and he still hasn't found her, his only clues being the dreams he keeps having of her and scraps of information that nearly always end up being nothing but dead ends. Working within the outskirts of New York City as a scavenger, he finds parts to sell and trade for money to keep himself alive. The boy has been told over and over again to give up on what seems to be a fool's errand, both by others and his own doubts, but he refuses to listen. He knows in his heart that Josie must be alive, and he can't stop searching for her if there's a chance that she could be somewhere waiting for him.

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