Chapter 5: Guard Down

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Taehyung, had always been the happy, genuine kid in their friend group, almost everyone would come and vent on him. He would gladly listen their problems and give great advice. Now it's his turn to vent. Would his friends gladly listen? Like he did with them?

I was sitting on the corner of my bed. Tears streaming off my face.

I heard the door knock. I was startled a bit.

"Taehyung~sshi you haven't been out of your room the whole day, what's wrong?" Jin asked with an soft voice.

Jin might be yelling and nagging all the time. But he would always have an soft spot for his younger brother.

"I'm fine hyung! I just feel sick. That's all." Tae responded softly as he wiped his tears away.

"Jimin is here by the way. He wants to talk to you." Jin stated.

Jimin? Why does he want to talk with me? I thought that we will do the project tomorrow.

"Just tell him to come up here, hyung." Tae said.

"Okay." Jin simply stated.

Damn it. Tae's cheeks are puffy. His eyes look swollen. And not to mention his bed are wet because of his tears.

He rushed over to the closet and replaced the mattress of his bed quickly.

After a few seconds. I heard an knock.

"Come in." I stated.

The door swung open revealing Jimin. In his white shirt. Hair messy and with his cute glasses.

"Hey Chim." The blue haired boy greeted awkwardly.

"Oh hey Tae, if your wandering why am i here. Well... I noticed that your feeling down. So i thought maybe i could help lighten your mood." Jimin explained with an bright smile across his face.

"That's so sweet of you Jimin." Tae smiled. Adoring the older sweetness.

"Do you like want to go on a carnival?" Jimin offered.

"Sure Why not." I smiled warmly. At least someone is here for me. I can not be more grateful than i already am.

"I'll wait for you downstairs." Jimin smiled brightly as he walked out of the door.

After a few minutes. I followed After Jimin Downstairs.

"I'll be out for the night hyung! I'll be back at midnight." Tae yelled to make sure the older heard him.

"Alright, Stay safe." The older yelled back before disappearing into the house yet again.

I put on my coat before shoving my spare key at my pockets. I always have one in case i lost the original.

I waked out of the house. Seeing Jimin Leaning down on his car. No lie. He looks dashing right now. I mean.. When is he never not.

I took a deep breath before walking towards him.

"Let's do this." Tae exclaimed. Jimin chuckled opening the door at the passenger seat next to him. "Wow. A gentleman." Tae gasped dramatically before sitting.

Jimin closed the car door. And sat at the driver seat.

The whole ride was quiet. As usual... I looked at the window the whole time. While he focused on the road.

We arrived at the carnival. The lights are colourful. Kids are happily playing. Cool games. Thrilling rides. And so much more. This place looks perfect. One glance and all your problems will disappear.

"It's so beautiful right?" The silvered haired boy smiled at the view in front of him. Tae nodded.

"Let's go in!" Tae exclaimed as he dragged Jimin by his wrist inside.

"That looks romantic and sweet. Let's go try it!" Jimin pointed at the ferris wheel excitedly.

Tae gulped looking at the ferris wheel. He has always been afraid of heights. But in the mean time he also wants some thrill.

"Alright." Tae agreed. Jimin left Tae for a minute to get the ticket.

After a few minutes of waiting. Jimin finally came back. "Let's go." Jimin excitedly dragged Tae at the ferris wheel. They both sat next to each other.

I can feel my heart pound faster. I'm already getting nervous? It did not even started yet.

Tae sighed as he grabbed his handkerchief and wiped his sweats. Jimin noticed that Tae was nervous.

"Don't worry. As soon as we reach the top. You will not be scared anymore. I promise. You'll enjoy it." Jimin smiled as he held Tae's hand.

Tae smiled and took a deep breath. I can do it! He thought the himself.

The ferris wheel started to move. Tae was getting scared at first. As soon as they reached the top. Tae was amused by the view. The twinkling stars. The waves. The trees...

Tae smiled as he closed his eyes embracing the wind..

In the other hand. Jimin smiled. "The view is beautiful aren't it?" Jimin murmured while looking at the amused boy.

"It is Jimin. It is." Tae whispered without opening his eyes.

Sadly the ferris wheel started to move. Tae slowly drifted his eyes open. He got a bit sad when he can't take a glimpse of the view at the top.

The ride was finally over.

"Thanks Jimin~sshi. For tonight. I truly enjoyed it. Not gonna lie. This lighten my mood." Tae thanked the Silvered hair boy.

"Your welcome." Jimin smiled. Tae didn't have to thank him. Since seeing Tae happy makes him happy too.

Tae pulled Jimin for an hug.

Tae pulled away first. Tae smiled before patting Jimin's back. "Thanks again."

They both went home. Happily. 

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