Chapter 1

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Soule's head jolts up as the harsh movements of the train, and his nightmares that feel way to real, wake him from his sleep. Eu noticed Soule's quick relief as he woke up and figured that Soule must have had a bad dream again, so he sends a message to their group chat to get Soule's mind off of his dream.

Eu [Did you hear about the practice room ghost?]

Viken [A ghost? Great. . .]

Taho [I heard it, but where's the ghost? I couldn't see it because I was tired.]

Soule [I've been having strange dreams lately TT maybe it's because I'm tired.]

Avys [Did you have another scary dream?]

Soule was about to tell them what he dreamt about, but in the end he ended up deleting the message. He deemed it unimportant in the end, he felt that it would cause more trouble than it's worth...

Viken [What is scary? What are you afraid of? See if there are real ghosts at night haha]

Avys [Guys stop telling scary stories!...]

Taho [Viken, what are you even saying?]

Eu was about to type something, but he saw a man walking by with a package. On it there was a blue ribbon with a red message attached that said "CONGRATULATIONS" in bold white letters. There was also a small clear bag of money attached to it. The man set his package next to Eu's backpack. Eu got up and as he appeared to be opening his backpack, he quickly tore the ribbon off of the white box, money and all, and stuffed it into his backpack. He then grabbed his backpack and set it on his lap.

Eu [Shall we just go to Ttukseom?]

They all got that message, as they saw the message they looked up and saw Eu stand up from his seat and grabbed onto one of the triangles dangling from the roof of the train. Soule followed his lead and Viken, Taho, and Avys moved from the spots where they were already standing and came closer to them. They were nearing Ttukseom and Viken took his phone out and pressed a gray circle on a black screen that had a title of "MAGIC ISLAND" then they waited for the signal that they had arrived. There was an orange light that showed the people on the train how close they were to their destination. When the orange light hit the words "Ttukseom" they shut their eyes as hard as they could. Except one of them made a terrible mistake. Eu opened his eyes. Immediately when Eu's eyes opened a flash of white light and different visions flashed across their minds. A busy street, a shattering lightbulb, water, a consuming fire, an eye, more water, orange water, a flock of birds, the reflection of a transparent looking girl in a school uniform, a concert arena full of people, the same concert arena, but empty and it collapsed and it was turned into rubble, and finally a dragon surrounded by fire and smoke. 

Then they were freed from these visions and started falling into their magic island. However, Soule is the only one who remembers these visions, because they are things he's dreamed of before. He starts wondering, could they be more than just nightmares?

They landed and opened their eyes. They were still in the train but it was filled to the brim with light. Eu was the first one who stepped out and you can see purple meadows, green trees and a light purple looking skies. They walk straight into the forest and they find their way to a telescope surrounded by trees and purple flowers and the whole forest looked like a purple wonderland. The sun is shining through the trees and they keep walking towards the telescope. Even surrounded by all of that beauty and majesty, Soule seems to be more interested in his phone, but he notices that he has no internet at all. They start examining the place that they have landed in and they feel so familiar with it yet they feel as if they don't know it at all. They start to remember small bits of what happened. They know something happened in this place, on this small island something began. A song, and a star. They know these things are important in this place. They can't fight the feeling. "This place here is our startline." They know that much is true. Eu started a small fire out of the red message card that said "CONGRATULATIONS" to keep them warm, but he accidentally burned himself. He called everyone over to sit next to him on the floor. They sit together but they still can't help feeling off, like something is calling them, a forgotten melody on this island is calling their name.

Viken takes sparklers out of his backpack and hands a few sparkles to each person. They ripped off their school uniforms and they turned on their sparklers using the fire Eu had started. As they are playing, Soule puts his hands on his ears and he starts seeing a vision of a school girl however Soule can only see the girl's reflection in the water. He quickly came out of his vision because he saw Viken twirling a metal can attached to a string with a spark of fire inside of it.Viken then threw that can of fire into the foliage on the floor of the forest. Everyone just keeps playing but Soule can't, as the fire that Viken threw grows, Soule's head gets disoriented and the vision of the school girl recurs. The fire starts to consume the forest, but only Soule is affected. He can't free himself from the pain, something deep inside of him is hurting and he can't stop it.

They're done playing and they sit next to the fire. They are talking and laughing, Avys is laying on Viken and Eu is stirring the fire. Eu feels something calling to him, something that sounded like a warning. He quickly stood up and the others followed. They looked around and they were finally aware of how much the fire had consumed. How much damage came from a small spark. Their whole island was consumed with fire. The beautiful scenery that once was is now in ruins surrounded by smoke, ash, and flames. They try to find a way out, but as they walk the fire follows them. Every step they take ignites new flames. They go back to the train tracks where they came from, but the train was gone. They looked at each other in panic but their attention was quickly drawn toward a train that was coming their way. A train whose headlights were of two different colors. Blue on the left and green on the right. Those headlights then became a blinding shade of orange as it drew nearer and they covered their eyes, yet, they didn't move from the tracks they were standing on. As they were hit by the train they were each sent alone to a storm of flashing lights, white and red, each of them fighting by themselves.

Pain is the first thing that hits them, but the pain is not physical.

This pain is one they've felt before but they don't know where. A terrifying and forgotten pain that is breaking down they're whole body. Each of they're pains are concentrated in one spot. The one's who felt it first were Viken and Avys, Viken clutching his shoulder and Avys, his heart. They scream, and they try to find each other but they stay alone in this frenzy of pain. Soule starts feeling the intense pain in his ear and screams as he puts his hands over it and continues running. Eu collapses to the floor, hands on his neck. On the floor he struggles, but he can't escape the agony. None of them can. The storm ended and they each lay on and around the train tracks unconscious. The pain they're feeling is still present, but as they lay there asleep, they can't escape the nightmares that have become of their "dream world".

Their memories came flooding back at that moment.

 The forgotten song, the pain, and the broken promise that is now their responsibility to restore. They each asked themselves, "Who's fault was it?" and the last thing they heard before truly entering a state of rest and leaving the island was a voice in their heads. "Remember my name."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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