Scoot Closer

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Word Count: 2.2k

Warnings: swearing, slight S4 spoilers, she/her pronouns used.

A/n: poc friendly. Part of this was inspired by the chorus of Mover Awayer by Hobo Johnson.



You never got along with Eddie Munson. You were both too different from each other but, now that your whole friend group had been bonded for life thanks to some trauma and a dark wizard named Vecna, you were around him a lot more. It's not like you hated him, the opposite actually, you liked him and you thought he was really cool but, he didn't seem to like you.

Eddie started messing with you a year ago, you had like 3 classes together and you had somehow caught his attention. Maybe it was the fact that you didn't seem to pay attention to his rants during lunch or that you just didn't seem to care about most things unlike the rest of the losers in Hawkins. It was obvious to everyone else that Eddie had feelings for you, but, he seemed to be pushing those feelings and you away. Apparently it only got worse when the two of you were in the upside down with Steve, Robin and Nancy. After everyone got through the gate in Eddie's trailer, Robin had complained about how listening to you guys go back and forth was worse than fighting the demobats that had eaten some of Steve.

It started as simple teasing, then it snowballed into the two of you bickering over anything. It was unbearable for everyone else as they silently hoped and crossed their fingers that this would be the argument that made you two realize that you were in love with each other. But, it hasn't happened yet.

"We are not watching Nightmare on Elm Street with a bunch of children, Eddie! Are you seriously suggesting that right now?" You made the argument that Freddy Krueger looked a little too similar to Vecna. Everyone groaned as you finished your sentence. Eddie rolled his eyes at you.

"They're 15, not 10, Y/n. God, you need to loosen up." Eddie threw his head back dramatically before standing up to put the movie into the VCR. You stood in front of the tv to block his path. You folded your arms across your chest.

"Real cute, Y/n. Just move and then we can put this behind us and watch the movie together like one big happy family." You shook your head at the long haired boy in front of you.

"No. I told you we aren't watching it. We're gonna watch The Breakfast Club instead." You turned around to put the VHS in when Eddie wrapped an arm around your waist and slightly picked you up and moved you to the side so he could put his movie in. You let out an annoyed sigh and sat down on the couch.

Eddie came to sit by you, he leaned down to talk to you.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, if you get scared you can always cuddle up next me." His whisper sent a chill down your spin and as you went to glare at him, he winked at you, you noticed that your cheeks felt hot, you grabbed a blanket and pulled it up to your chin, hoping that no one would notice what just happened. Eddie threw his arm over the couch and you scooted further away from the boy and he scooted closer.

You fell asleep half way through the movie. Everyone seemed to notice and when they looked towards you they saw you cuddled into Eddie's side. Their eyes were wide as they stared at you and Eddie. Eddie was so wrapped up into the movie he didn't seem to notice all of the eyes on him.

Everyone shared a look, Dustin was sat closest to Eddie and he whispered Eddie's name.

"Eddie!" Eddie looked back at the young boy. Dustin pointed at him then he held up his hands in the shape of a heart and then pointed back at your sleeping form that was resting in his side. Eddie looked down at you, and slowly scooted away and shook his head at Dustin. Everyone glared at Dustin.

Eddie Munson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now