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I get my skateboard and my bag and but some monsters in there and a snack. I head out the door and skate to Finn's house. There's another car in his driveway, I wonder who's car that is?. I think to myself. I knock on the door and about two minutes later it opens. "Hi umm we already gave the donations to the shelter" The girl says "oh no I'm here for Finn but looks like he's already busy so bye" I walk away from the door.

I decided to go to the skate park by myself and practice some tricks *time skip cuz I'm lazy*
It's been a like two hours since I got here and I'm just sitting on the bench now "no, come on Finn she's not here" I hear a girl say and I look next to me and see Finn and the girl that was at the door earlier. Finn had his skateboard and so did she.

"Fine but don't post anything cuz she will see and I blew her off to be with you" he says and kisses her "yeah well I already know so have fun"I say as I stand up but they didn't hear me.

(Text messages)
Me: hey, why didn't we hang out today?
Finnie: I had a photo shoot
Me: really cuz it looked like you blew me off for the skatepark with your girlfriend
Read 38 seconds ago

I'm done he literally could have just told me, it's not that hard. I mean he could have just said "sorry I already have plans" or not have blown be off and act like she more important, ok woah I'm not that important to him either, I don't know what came over me I think I might just be a little jealous.

It's been like two hours of me sitting here doing nothing just starting at a wall. Finns ignored my calls and texts so I stopped trying. I don't understand why I'm jealous yea Finn's my best friend but I don't like at least I don't think I do.

Finn: hey, umm I'm sorry for not telling you
Me: oh it's fine, I actually don't care at all. Oh by the way, I'm saying this in the nicest way possible, fuck off
Finn: oh come on y/n it'a not that bad it was just a few hours
Me: yea it was just a few hours spent with her that's no big deal right, but those hours were meant for me finn me not what's her name
Finn: y/n don't do this please
Me: have her, Finn I really don't care, you do you and I'm gonna do me alone you have her, she's pretty, she's not insecure about her body, she's a blonde which is your type, and her lips fit perfectly on yours
Finn: come on, please don't be like that
Read 3 hours ago

I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, I wonder if Finn and what's her name have made it official, posted on instagram, I say in my head. I look around and see that my rooms messy so  I clean up and by the time I'm done it's already 10:30 so I get ready for bed. But I hear a knock at the door "Yes, come in" I yell. "Your mom let me in" I hear him say behind me "Ok, but why are you here" I say as I turnaround and see the boy with big under eye bags and messy hair "To apologizes, I should've told you" "Yea Finn you should've, y'know what I was looking forward to seeing and I got really excited. Then she opened the door and my whole mood changed. I'm happy for you I really am, you deserve to be with someone like her" I say and release a breath that I didn't realize I was holding "What do you mean "someone like her"?" He says and looks at me "She's beautiful, she has beautiful eyes, the most perfect body not an ounce of fat, and she's just perfect" I say and sit on my bed "she's not insecure, she's not scared that people will make fun of her because she knows she's beautiful" "Y/n stop you don't even know who she is" Finn says defending her "Maryanne Page" I say and look him in the eye "She's and instagram models that has her own fashion and makeup line, she's 17 and lives with her parents" "Ok maybe you do know who she is but still" He says "Leave" I say to Finn "What why?" "Finn just leave" I say and he walks out the door. 

That was the last time I saw him...

Do y'all want a part two?????

Finn Wolfhard imagines and presencesWhere stories live. Discover now